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When Mikaela woke up, it was still nighttime outside. She frowned. Shouldn't it be daytime at least? She thought. She stared at the stars outside. It's so weird, this world and its timeshifts. I don't understand it. She sighed, closing her eyes. They popped open suddenly, as she realized she felt an arm around her waist. She sat up quickly, the arm still wrapped around her hips. It tightened on her. 

"Awake already?"He asked. Mikaela turned, seeing Ace. Her eyes went wide and her cheeks heated up. 

"W-W-WHAT THE HELL?!"She hissed. She pushed him off the bed, throwing a pillow at him once he was on the floor. He chuckled, sitting up. 

"Ow, you sure are one strong lady,"he told her. She glared at him. 

"If I'm not your type then stay out of my bed!"Mikaela screamed at him. He blinked at her in surprise. She crawled off the bed and walked down the platform to the regular floor. "Jeez." She sighed, grabbing her clothes which she spotted folded up on the couch. She headed to the bathroom, locking the door behind her. Her cheeks were still warm. He says stuff like "you're not my type" and then I wake up with his arm around me. What is with this guy? She thought. She sighed, closing her eyes. 

Outside, Ace sat in the floor, chuckling. He sighed, pushing himself up and grabbing his outfit. He pulled his layers back on, running a hand through his hair. She really is interesting, I don't mind when she yells at me. He closed his eyes with a sigh, his smile dropping off his face. He slid his gaze to her when she left the bathroom and quickly pulled his lips back up into a smile. 

"Where are you going today?"He beamed at her. Mikaela stared at him. She closed her eyes and sighed. 

"First I'm going to ask Vivaldi for a map, so we don't get lost,"Mikaela told him. She opened her eyes, staring at the floor silently. Not like it'll help. Ace laughed. 

"What? Come on, don't you like getting lost with me?"he asked. Mikaela stared at him boredly. She sighed, slinging her bag over her shoulders. She opened the door, where she found a maid patiently waiting. She blinked. The maid bowed. 

"Greetings, Miss Hawthorne. If you'll come with me, the Queen is waiting for you,"the maid spoke. Mikaela nodded. Ace made an annoyed noise. 

"Aweee, Mikaela, leaving already?"He asked. Mikaela shot him a look as she followed after the maid, gripping the straps on her shoulders. Ace quickly ran, catching up with her and following beside her. Mikaela focused on the maid, not wanting to lose her and then be completely confused. Ace watched her closely. He smiled to himself slightly. She closed her eyes and sighed. 

"Would you stop staring at me?"She asked. He crossed his arms. 

"Nope~!" Mikaela glanced at him. She frowned. 

"I could always make you." Ace shrugged, crossing his arms behind his head. Mikaela closed her eyes. He doesn't know the truth in that statement. Not that I will, though, she thought to herself. People should be allowed to do what they want...I shouldn't control them. She opened her eyes and followed the maid into the throne room. The maid bowed to Vivaldi and left. Mikaela gazed up at the queen.

"Ah, Mikaela. Did you sleep well?"Vivaldi asked, grinning down at her. Mikaela nodded. 

"Fairly well...though...there were some minor disturbances,"Mikaela told her, her gaze sliding an annoyed look at Ace, who just kept his goofy grin on his face. Mikaela sighed, returning her eyes up to the queen. "I thank you for the room. I have one favor to ask." 

"Ah, what is that, our dear?"Vivaldi asked. Mikaela nodded once. 

"Right. I need a map of wonderland so I don't get lost." Vivaldi blinked she nodded, snapping her fingers. Almost immediately, a male servant was shoving a map into Mikaela's hands hurriedly. He quickly scurried away, returning to whatever job he'd been doing before. Mikaela looked it over. "You don't mind if I borrow this?" Vivaldi smiled, closing her eyes. 

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