Recovery and Meeting

Start from the beginning

"Yes, if that's alright with you and your family."

"Okay. When are y'all coming?"

"Well, we're in Nashville so sometime tomorrow or the next day?"

"Kay, I'll text you everything you need to know later.

"Um, okay. Bye?"

"Bye Chord." She hung up the phone. Instead of watching the rest of the news, the news lady and Chord still talking about the accident, she curled up in the recliner beside Sam's bed and fell asleep.


Brenda's POV

 The next morning I woke up when a nurse came in to check on Sam. She was going to take the bandage off of his head since it wasn't bleeding or anything anymore.

"Sorry for waking you up. Are you his wife?"

"No, I'm his girlfriend. Were not old enough to be married."

"Oh, I'm sorry for my mistake. Most of the time when a teenage boy comes in, his girlfriend doesn't stay with him like this. You two are a cute couple." I smiled at her. Sam just nodded. He almost fell asleep but his eyes snapped open before he did. I giggled. The nurse, who introduced herself as Lynda, started unwrapping his head. Mary was sitting up on the pull out bed, reading a book. She looked at me and stood up. She grabbed her purse and phone.

"Brenda, do you want to come with me? I'm going to the cafeteria. You need to eat something." Mary asked. I nodded and stood up. I kissed Sam and told him I'd be back in a little while. I saw the nurse smile when I kissed him. Mary and I walked silently down the hall to the elevators. Neither one of us said anything until after we got our food and sat down in a corner.

"Brenda, I need to tell you this before he gets here okay?"

"Tell me what?"

"The only people that know about it is Dwight, Julie, Paul and my self."

"Chord's Parents?" She shook her head.

"They're not his parents." I looked at her confused.

"If they're not his parents than who is?"

"Me and Dwight." I nearly did a spit take when the words came out of her mouth.

"Wait, what? How?"

"Chord and Sam are twins. Dwight and I were young when they were born and we couldn't afford to take care of both of them, so we gave Chord up for adoption. We were good friends with Paul and Julie, so they adopted him. I didn't want to give them up, and neither did Dwight. We wanted to give them the best life they could ask for and that was the only way." Mary had tears in her eyes and I didn't know what to say.

"Wow. I can't believe it. I don't know what to say, Mary." It was quiet while we finished our food. I hugged her before we went back to the room and found Sam watching TV, his head resting on his good hand.

"And we're back!" I said grinning trying to make him smile. It worked. I sat down beside him and picked up my lap top. I went on the school website and found all of my assignments for the week. We didn't have a lot to do so I went a head and did all of my classwork and home work on paper so I could turn it in. For art, Mrs. McCall wanted us to paint or draw a portrait of someone we love. I knew exactly who that was going to be. I got my sketchbook out and flipped to one of the last few clean pages. I draw a lot when I'm bored. I drew a picture of Samantha a few weeks ago then last week I drew a picture of Snowball. I got a pencil and started. I started out with the face shape. Once I was done with that, I did the eyes and the nose. After I did the lips, I did the hair, which took a bit longer to do. Once I was done I did the shoulders and added details. All together it took me an hour more or less. I put my pencil down and studied the piece of paper. I smiled. It looked just like him. It had every little detail. All the way down to the big lips. I stood up and sat next to Mary and put the picture in her lap. She put her book down and picked it up.

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