Chapter 33

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"Not so fast Karan. If I go to jail, so does your ass since I actually do have proof that you were the one stealing oxycontin from the hospital and supplying me with it"

Shyam's words echoed through the hallway, along with his footsteps as he walked directly towards Karan, his eyes trained hard on Khushi.

"Wow Karan. I am amazed! A few minutes with your lady love and you lost your sanity. I must say this woman has something to her" Shyam ground out, turning around to look over at Khushi who wasn't standing where she was before. Wondering if she had made a run towards a phone, Shyam moved a step forward but stopped in his steps when he looked over at Arnav, who was now standing infront of Khushi, as her shield, blocking Shyam's gaze.

"Tch Tch Tch... I don't even know what to say right now... Seeing you grown up men trying to protect this girl is making me slightly teary I must say" Shyam mocked both the men standing infront of him. "But anyways that's not my problem. You can fight over your ladylove all you want but I am in a bit of a hurry. Karan... should we leave?" Shyam moved forward and grabbed Karan's arm to take him out of there but was halted in his steps when Karan removed Shyam's hand from his arm and moved over to stand beside Arnav.

"I am done with all this Shyam... I am tired of you blackmailing me... I am tired of you trying to threaten me with Khushi's life... I am tired of you lying to me about Arnav and Khushi's relationship" Karan ground out, as he took a step forward and towered over Shyam.

"I am sick and tired of all this now. Yes I made a mistake. Yes I supplied you with drugs from the hospital because I was stupid and didn't realize the consequences of it. I thought it was just for your use! Who would have thought this well known lawyer had a side business going but you can't blame me for all this. The amount I supplied you with is in no way enough to run a drug business. So where did you get the rest from? Blackmailed another intern doctor? Used the amount that I gave you for yourself and had someone else create the rest for you? Or did you use my supply to find out how to make the rest? That must be it right? Because I haven't supplied you with anything in years so how is this whole chain of yours still going?" Karan spat out and stared at Shyam, hoping to get a reaction out of him to make him confess something but Shyam stood still as a stone, slightly amused at the amateur infront of him.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Yes I got some oxycontin from you and you supplied it to me for my personal use but what is the rest of this rubbish? You're now blaming me for something that you did illegally? What do I have to do with the rest of this? I just..." Shyam stopped midway when he heard a noise from upstairs... actually more like a strong banging and when he looked up, he saw the shadow of his wife against their bedroom door, trying to break it open.

"Anjali" Shyam cried out, and made a move to go up the stairs to open the door but was halted midway, when Karan and Arnav both moved forward to block his way.

"Not so fast jeejaji. Di is fine. She just needs to stay upstairs for now. So what were you saying?" Arnav asked much too innocently, hoping they could get Shyam back on track, to say something, anything that would help end all this.

Shyam looked up towards the stairs to see Anjali still banging on the door, calling out everyone's names. As much as Shyam tried to ignore it all, the banging on the door made his head ache... maybe he should have just had that drink before coming there to calm his nerves down but what was done was done. There was no way he was going to be caught by these ametuers and if they thought he was dumb, then they were highly mistaken. But if Anjali didn't stop pounding on that door, he was going to lose his shit and he knew that very well.

"This is ridiculous Arnav. Go and open the door for your sister. What if she needs something..." and before Shyam could complete his sentence, the door broke open and Anjali ran out of the room to be stopped in her tracks seeing Karan, Arnav, Shyam and Khushi in the living room as if they were discussing something extremely important. One look at her husband's face and she knew what was happening. Hadn't she seen that look cross his face too many times before?

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