Chapter 9

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The drive back home from her parents was quite uneventful. Khushi couldn't help but glance over at Arnav from time to time who had his eyes fixed on the road and didn't even seem to notice that she was sitting beside him but the quietness in the car was peaceful.

Her mind drifted back to the past few hours and she couldn't believe that Arnav actually decided to stay back with her. He had sat with her parents. Talked to his dad about hockey, football, basketball and whatever else sport that he knew about. He talked to her brother about all the new video games in the market and sat and actually played Madden with him. He had stood with her mom in the kitchen while she had made roti for all of them and actually served while Khushi had went to her room to shower. He sat with Priya and discussed the latest happenings in the business world.

A sense of pride filled her knowing that he was her husband. Maybe this is not how she had planned life. The difference between him and Karan was crazy. While Arnav had quietly went up to everyone in the house and talked to them individually and picked up on the different interests everybody had, Karan would have gathered everybody together and would have created a circus in their house. Karan was always loud and could liven up any place and she had loved him for that. So what did she do wrong in this whole thing? Why did he disappear without giving her an answer? She had almost been tempted to text him and ask if everything was ok but the rational part of her brain knew that would be inappropriate.

She was married now. Even though she could message him as a friend just to know he was ok, she knew under the circumstances that she shouldn't message him. If something was wrong with him, she would have heard about it by now. She knew that Arnav wouldn't be that ruthless and wouldn't tell her if something had happened to Karan. She had loved Karan like she hadn't loved anybody else and she almost wasn't sure if she could do it again. She had put everything that she had in that relationship and it came back and slapped her right in the face... actually more like punched her.

Karan must be ok. She was sure he wasn't dying or anything but still she couldn't accept the fact that he walked out on her. Maybe she just couldn't get over the fact that he dumped her. Maybe her ego was just too big to accept that he rejected her like that.

She knew Arnav would be a good husband, however the thought that he married her to save her reputation wouldn't stop nagging her. What had he wanted in a wife? She didn't even know what kind of women he had dated. He probably dated women that looked like celebrities. He was in the fashion world and with the looks that he was blessed with, she was sure he could get almost any woman, whereas she was just a simple girl who rarely even wore makeup let alone get dressed up every day.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt his cool hand touch hers and his fingers seemed to linger more than needed.

"You ok?" he asked and she wasn't too sure what he was referring to.

"Yap.. all good". Giving him a smile, she turned back in her seat and before she could consume herself in her self-destructive thoughts, he interrupted her again.

"I know we don't know each other well enough, but I can tell when your brain is going in overdrive. Talk to me Khushi. Is there anything you want to ask" he questioned fully knowing that she probably wanted to know about Karan.

And he didn't blame her. He couldn't imagine putting himself in her position. If his bride was to disappear on him like that, he probably would turn the world upside down trying to find answers whereas she was just quietly sitting there, absorbing everything around her and trying to get used to things.

"Nope, no questions" she replied shortly.

Not knowing how else to get across to her as she seemed to have put some sort of walls up, he slowly reached for her hand and intertwined his fingers with hers. As his thumb slowly kept rubbing the side of her hand, her heartbeat increased. She didn't know how he could get her heart racing like that with such a mere touch.

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