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Jonah and i wake up again around 3 pm. I tell my parents that im staying at my grandparents for the weekend. The whole weekend we spend doing nothing but laying around watxhing movies, baking cookies or having pillow fights or cuddle/make-out sessions. I am actually really scared to go to school tomorrow since everyone has seen the video now and since jonah and i only have a few periods together it probably will be a living hell.
'Hey whats wrong frownyface?' Jonah asks while we are sitting in sweatpants only on his bed.
'Im just scared. What will everyone think? Im already the new guy. I dont need this for the rest of the year!'
'Zach it will be fine. If anyone even dares to funny in your direction, i will actually fucking kill them. '
'Thanks jo. ' i say as i cuddle into him.


Its the next monday and jonah drives both of us to school. I am really nervous but at the same time assured since jonah will be with me most of the time. As soon as we walk through the doors we are getting stares from everyone there. I grab on to jonahs arm tightly to make sure im safe. Luckily jonah is like the tallest and strongest guy here so i will be fine as long as i stick with him, because i know if i dont i will be the first to get beaten up.

We begin walking towards our first period which is english.

The rest of the week goes pretty well except for all the stares and occasional shoves  and sticking out legs in order to make me trip in the hallways. jack, corbyn and daniel have been avoiding us so i guess thats also good. 

as soon as the last period ends on friday jonah and i rush to his car and drive home. well, to his house. but thats basically home for me now. since its break, jonah and i will have nothing to do for a whole week. i guess i can just tell my parents im staying at my grandparents for the week and spend the whole time just getting fucked by jonah. i think i could get used to that. but as soon as we plop down on his bed, i get a call from my mom. 


'zach honey, we have decided to visit hawaii for break together with some old friends of ours. they have a son who's about your age do i think it will be fun. we are leaving tomorrow at 5 am to get to the airport where we will meet them so you better come home and start packing now.'

'but mom could stay with gramma and grampa this break?'

'zach, this is a family vacation. you are not getting out of this, young man.'

'mom please! i dont want to go with some lousy old friends to an island. could i please stay?'

'you are coming and thats final.'


'whats wrong?' jonah asks. 'youre not going to spend break with me?'

'i have to go to fucking hawaii. i am so sorry you have to spend break alone now.' i reply. i feel really bad for him.

'thats okay, i get it. and its not like theres no wifi in hawaii, so we'll text and call right?'

'of course, i promise. but i have to go pack now.'

'okay bye zach. and have fun.'he says as he gives me a peck on the lips.

we spend the whole night video calling until its time to go. my parents and i drive to the airport and as soon as we get to the right terminal, theres something i wish i didnt see; its jack standing with what looks like his parents and his sisters. i try to not look his direction in hopes that he wont notice me. terror soon struck me as my parents started making their way over in his direction. could he be the boy my age that they where talking about? i really hope not. 

my parents are coming closer to him and his parents. oh god. oh god. nononononono. theire waving at each other. please kill me now. my mom looks back and sees the panick on my face.

'whats wrong honey? it looks like youve seen a ghost! hurry up!' she says.

i steadily walk over there while looking at my shoes the whole time.

as our parents are catching up, Jack pulls me aside.

'well well well. look who we have here. mister fag face. i hope you dont get a boner from me when im in my swim trunks.'

'oh please. as if anyone could ever get a boner from you.' i reply while making eye contact. i realise now that im just a tiny bit taller than him, a few centimeters maybe.

'suck my dick Herron! im going to make this trip a living hell for you.'

right. suck his dick. as if thats not gay. i walk back to my parents and we all board the flight. im actually very nervous about this. i mean why is he targeting me? what did i ever do to him? i hate his guts so much. 

a/n thank you so very much for 700 reads! it doesnt seem alot but i never thought this book could get more than like 50 reads? also i finally have a plan and an ending for this book so i can actually start updating regularly. please tell me what you guys think, that would help so much!

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