Chapter 20 (Mature)

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"How could I not be in love with you? Look at us..." he groaned looking at the image in front of him.

"Look at me Khushi... Stay with me..." he whispered when he noticed her eyes starting to roll back and her face twisting with pleasure. He sped up his actions; curling his fingers inside of her. His palm now rubbed against that perfect spot; creating that perfect friction that made her feel lightheaded. He felt her tightening around his fingers and her moans becoming louder.

She was fighting the feeling, not sure where this was going. Whatever she had heard, read or seen did no justice to the feelings her husband was evoking in her. The feeling of his fingers inside of her, touching her core, his lips on that sensitive spot on her neck, his thumb grazing her tightened nipple ever so slowly drove her to the edge and she shattered in his arms, breathing his name hoarsely till all she saw was stars behind her eyes. Finally when her body stopped trembling from the aftermath of his sweet torture and he felt her knees give away; he picked her up in one swift motion and carried her to the bed. Lying down beside her, he stroked her cheeks and her glazed eyes looked into his smiling ones.

"Do you know what just happened?" When she shyly nodded her head in a yes, he smiled down at her and kissed her forehead while tucking her under the blanket as she dozed off within seconds. He stared at her flushed face for a few minutes and walked into the bathroom to take a much needed cold shower.

The next morning, Khushi woke up before Arnav. As her eyes adjusted to his face, she remembered last night and she felt her face flush furiously. How was she going to face him today? she wondered. Absolutely embarrassed at her body's response from last night, she turned around to get up when she felt him take hold of her arm and the next second she was sprawled over him.

"yeh aap kyaa..." her sentence was caught midway when he placed a wet kiss on her mouth.

"Good morning gorgeous..." he whispered hoarsely and she tried again to move away but his hold around her waist tightened.

"What's the rush? It's only 6 o'clock... There is a lot of time still, before everyone wakes up... "

He shifted slightly and laid her down beside him, his hold around her waist still tight incase she was to run off on him, which Arnav was sure she would. She looked everywhere but at him and he smiled. If this was her reaction now, he wondered how she would be after they made love for the first time? The thought of her sprawled in bed, beside him, wrapped just in sheets, caused his groin to tighten.

"Look at me Khushi... kya hua?" he asked while using his finger to raise her chin up, so that her eyes would be leveled with his. She just shook her head in a no.

"Are you embarrassed?"

"Nahi toh!" she replied a little too fast and when she looked up at him, his laughing eyes met hers, making her all flustered again.

"So you're not embarrassed?" he asked, his voice amused and she wished the ground would open and suck her in. This was a hell lot harder than she had imagined. How did people react the morning after they did it for the first time? She would definitely die of mortification. Arnav noticed the different emotions cross her face and when he noticed the redness spreading across her face and down her neck, he realized she was thinking what he was thinking a few minutes ago.

"Don't worry, I promise you, you won't feel anything close to embarrassment then..." he whispered and winked at her. Her jaw almost dropped to the ground hearing his flirting tone and as he leaned back to laugh at her expressions, she took advantage of his loosened hold. Before he could say anything else, he felt her roll away in a flash and run to the bathroom, locking herself in there for awhile.

Let's fall in love (Story By PINKI)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat