Chapter I: Next Lifetime

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"All of your souls are mine!"

Flowey held the souls of Frisk's dearest companions aloft in his tendrils as she looked on in utter horror. Slowly, the souls dragged towards the flower's body as he laughed, a vicious light in his eye as he looked upon Frisk with intense ire. Out of the corner of her eye, Frisk could see the six human souls that  previously entered the underground ascend towards Flowey as well. Within a moment, he absorbed all the souls into his very root and a brilliant flash of light exploded from him, completely enveloping the foyer.

After all the light cleared, and Frisk's eyes stopped being overwhelmed by the high amount of stimuli, she noticed that she could no longer see Flowey's body, as she had seen previously. Frantically, she moved her eyes all across the room, scanning it for Flowey or anything else. Finally, as she looked up, frozen in fear, she could see the descending figure of...

"Finally. I was so tired of being a flower."

Frisk stood, completely baffled, as the dead son of Asgore Dreemurr and Toriel loomed over her. He was a little shorter than her, smiling gently as he opened his crimson eyes and gazed at her visage. Soon, a look of bewilderment appeared on his face as he stared, but it was soon replaced by a warm grin. He walked forward, opening his mouth.

"Howdy! Chara, are you there? It's me, your best friend."

After a moment, Asriel's boyish frame began to morph and change. His body ascended into the air as his legs elongated, his horns grew longer, and dark ley-lines gradually began to spread across his skin and fur. Seemingly out of nowhere, Asriel's now adult-like form donned a black and white robe emblazoned with the Delta Rune. Epaulettes and a high collar hung over his robe, giving him an air of grandeur that intimidated Frisk to no end. Her brown eyes stared into the abyss that was Asriel, too awestruck to make any sort of meaningful action.

A prismatic light emanated over the foyer as Asriel held his arms up and gestured towards the sky. Soon thereafter, giant stars fell from the ceiling of the room, rainbow tails following their flight paths. The stars stopped in midair, which gave ample time for Frisk to stare up and marvel at the phenomenon before her. She was completely amazed, although it all ended with a snap from one of Asriel's hands. Stars began to explode, and their fragments descended to the ground at incredible speeds. Frisk noticed and frantically ran across the foyer, desperately trying to avoid the falling shrapnel poised to destroy her. She successfully evaded most, but a few grazed her skin in her attempt to get out of the way, casing small cuts which stung intensely.

Asriel gazed at the struggling Frisk and grinned wickedly.

"You know... I don't care about destroying this world anymore." His faced turned stern as he held his hands out in waiting for another attack.

Almost instantaneously, bolts of prismatic lightning extended from the ceiling to the floor, nearly annihilating Frisk, who jumped out of the way just in time to notice the next ones. Her feet moved quickly to ferry her around from place to place, evading the lightning expertly with a locomotion reminiscent of an antelope running from a hunting lion.

The caprine before her scowled at her quickness, eyeing her menacingly as he descended upon to the floor, where Frisk stood in terror.

"After I defeat you and gain total control of the timeline... I just want to reset everything." Asriel reaches into his sleeves and pulled out twin sabers. He angled them towards Frisk's form and prepared to attack.

Asriel swiped at Frisk with his right blade, the human just barely missing the tip of the blade. However, he did not stop his assault. One after one, a volley of slices from the sabers came after Frisk, who was deftly avoiding each strike in a dance-like fashion. She just had reached one of the walls of the foyer when Asriel stopped his pursuit, cocking his head toward the ceiling above them. Frisk stared at him, puzzled. However, she only realized her mistake as the caprine lunged at the off-guard girl. In a frenzied attempt to avoid the weapon hitting her vital organs, Frisk turned her shoulder towards the blade while backing away. This resulted in a large gash appearing on the middle of her upper arm. The wound stung intensely while the maroon of her blood spilled over her clothing. She stared her brown eyes back at Asriel, wary of any more strikes. Instead, he just stood there and dissolved his sabers into the ether around him. Menacingly, Asriel stared back at her, smirking slightly as he caught sight of her stinging flesh.

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