Maybe it Might Work

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As Irene recieved her coffee she left the shop. You followed of course.
"How the hell am i suppose to engage a conversation in the open? Wait, maybe she'll trust me more since it is in the open. Man.... my head hurts." You complained

"Excuse me" you started
Irene turned around to see you smiling at her.

"Yes? Can I help you?" She asked in a sweet voice
"What the hell... what do I next? I didn't think this far. And what's with the voice? Damn you Minsu!!!" You were screaming in your head.

"I just wanted to talk if it is ok with you." You tried to play it cool without looking like a creep, hoping you didn't look so nervous.
Irene cocked one of her eyebrows up.
"Has she figured out my intentions already?" You started to panic

"Sorry, I am not trying to hook up. And why would I hook up with a man who can't even look me in the eyes and talk?" Irene replied.
"Huh?" That was all you could say

"WHAT?! what is wrong with this girl? I have been making eye contact... haven't... I? Damn... i was never good at talking to girls" you were defeated

Irene gave a little hmph before walking away. You just stared and watched as she walked away.

Irene's pov
"What a weird guy" irene thought to herself. "He must have been one of those playboys who's always looking for someone to play around with. But then again... he was really nervous when he was talking to me." Irene stopped walking.

"Maybe I should commend him for talking to me when he is dead nervous like that. Does he know who i am? Maybe that is why he is nervous. Then again... he was kind of cute." Shaking her head, she then gave herself a little slap on the cheek with both her hands; to wake up from this thought.

"What am I saying? They are all out here just to use me"
Irene was walking down the usual route she always take home. But the road was dark and it was empty. Suspiciously empty. "It is only 7:45 PM, why is no one on the streets here?" Irene was pondering

Just then she heard laughing from all directions which caused her to stop in her tracks.
"Hey there little girl..." a gang member walked out of the dark along with 3 others. "Why dont be a good girl and hand over all you have?" They all started to laugh again

"Over my dead body" irene sternly said. The gang didn't like it so they made this disgusting face. "Don't get cocky you rich son of a-" he was interrupted by the leader of the 4.
"Maybe you don't understand your situation here miss. But I would highly advise to just hand over your belongings." The leader gave her one last warning.

"Again, over my dead body." Irene sternly said once more
"It is your death wish" he whispered
"Get her and you can do what ever you want with her" the leader commanded before disappearing into the dark.

The 3 gang members just laughed while pulling out their knives. "Alright.... your gonna get it THIS TIME!!" One shouted before charging towards Irene. Quickly Irene dropped her coffee grabbing a taser from her purse and struck the charging gang member before he could lay a hand on her.

Once his body fell to the ground Irene ran. The other 2 chased her after making sure the tazed gang member was alright. "I only have enough for 2 more. Just enough I think" Irene thought to herself and hid. As one ran past by she leaped out and strike the other in the neck with her taser. His scream signaled the last one to come back giving away her position.

Quickly turning around she struck the last one who was already in mid jump leaping towards her. Luckily she manage to tased him before he did anything.

*huff* *huff*

"I am not cut out for this, luckily father gave me this taser." Irene was talking to herself and she leaned on the wall. As she stood up and started to walk to her house she heard a voice.

"Y-you thought t-that was enough to b-beat me?"
Irene looked back and saw that it was the gang member she had struck in the neck. He was twitching his neck every once and awhile due to being tased.

Irene slowly took a step back. Clutching on to her taser she realized she was out of energy and the taser was out of battery. Fear struck her and she froze in her tracks. Just as the gang member charged towards her she heard another voice.

"DUCK!!" Irene didn't know who it was but she trusted it and ducked. Just then she saw the weird guy from before punched the gang member in the face and knocked him out.

Y/n pov
As you stood there and watched her walk away you started to think to yourself
"Why does watching her walk away remind me of mother?"

Your mother had died and the last moments of her that you remember was her walking away from you when you were young.

A tear started to fall from your eyes but you quickly wiped it off your face.
"Hell, what I am doing? I should be doing this job that stupid Minsu gave me." Whispered to yourself as you slapped your face.

Taking off running you heard a scream in a road that was quite dark. Out of curiosity you went to check it out. Running for about 5 minutes you saw a body lying there. You realized that he was a gang member cause of his tattoo on his triceps. And it far off beside him was a cup of spilled coffee. Your eyes widened and started running again

"Don't tell me she got herself into some trouble." You whispered to yourself as you ran. It wasnt long until you saw her in the distance, but she looked like she had seen a ghost. As you got closer you saw another gang member charging towards her.

"DUCK!!" you shouted hoping she would duck.

And she did. It gave you an opportunity to cock your arm back and swing right into his face knocking him out.

*huff* *huff*

"Sheesh... you... know... how hard it was... trying... to find you?" You tried to speak between every breathe

Irene just started at you, and looked like she was about to cry.
"U-umm I'm sorry if I did something wro-" you were cut off my irene hugging you as she cried.

"What the actual $@&% is going on?!?! I think I'm going to die." You started to scream in your head. Your face was red and was about to explode.

"I-I'm sorry." Irene said

"Sheesh, your hopeless aren't you?" You teased.
"Well, you did help me.. but I am missing a cup of coffee and you did touch me." She started lecture you

"WHAT?! I wasnt even here when you dropped your coffee and you hugged me!" You tried to defend yourself with facts

"I don't know what your talking about" Irene replied "So your going to take me out and get me a new cup of coffee and treat me for laying your hands on me." She said as she walked towards the main street.

"I-i really can't stand her at all. Minsu!!! Your gonna a pay for making me go through this" you shouted in your head. You followed Irene in defeat but you could help but smile as you watch her.

Irene's pov
As I looked up at the weird guy, he turned back and looked at me.

"Sheesh... you... know.. how hard it was... trying... to find you?" He said between his breathe. I started to tear up and couldn't help but to hug him.

Once I pulled away he started to tease me saying "sheesh, your hopeless aren't you?"
That really ticked me off so I went off.

"Well.. you did help me.. but I am now missing a cup if coffee and you touched me"

He tried to get me back with facts but I am a girl, I have many cards to play as well as being the daughter of the Head Chief of the Police Department.

"I don't know why your talking about." Was all I said
"So your going to get me a new c ui o of coffee a d treat me for laying your hands on me" I commanded him as I walk towards the shopping district.

I could hear him complaining and then gave up back there. And it made me smile a bit.
"He might not be so bad after all." I mumbled to myself with a smile.

How is it so far? I would love your opinions so I could make this the best book possible. And it is great to be back writing.

Bound By Duty | Irene x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now