James stepped forward, "This is Tom Holland. He's known for disliking the royal family, but it seems he has quite a sweet spot for the princess."

Tom's glare alone could've killed someone, but the men seemed unyielding.

"Well, in that case, we'd like to view our potential purchase away from him. If you don't mind of course," the first man said.

James smiled, "Of course, right this way."

The men were led into a back room while two of James' men untied the princess' hands and legs from the chair and dragged her into the room.

The door was slammed shut.

Most of James' men were still in the main room with Tom. Crowded in the small space were the three "buyers," James, and two of his men.

And of course, the princess.

They stood in a circle around her as her heart rate picked up. She was vulnerable and afraid. It was even worse now that she was separated from Tom. She didn't realize how easily she had gotten attached to him over time. And now, as sweat dripped down her forehead as her mind began to panic, all she could think about was how she wished she was with him.

The men laughed at her disheveled state. Suddenly she was being pushed in all different directions around the circle. The men were literally tossing her around like a rag doll as if she was a toy that was meant to amuse them. Multiple times gasps or screams left her mouth when one would shove her roughly, hit her, or grab her inappropriately.

She was miserable and disoriented. She was on the brink of tears but was terrified to let that show in fear of James seeing it and making her do one of her "lessons" in front of the strange men.

In a flash image, as she was tossed from one side of the circle to the other, she saw a scabbard, the sheath holding a sword, on the side of one man's hip. This wouldn't have fazed her accept now her hands were freed. Sure she was surrounded, but the princess was a trained swordsman.

It was actually one of her favorite knights who first taught her. Her father thought sword fighting was only fit for men, but this particular knight, Raymond, thought it was important for her to know how to protect herself. Raymond was like an uncle to her, and she had been yet to try to defend herself with a sword because her hands were almost always tied.

The princess was panicked, which was not helping her focus on getting the sword. Her breathing was through the roof and her entire body hurt as she was flung around the room.

But, finally, she got her chance. One of the men had his knife out and after a joyous applause from the others, he sliced the princess' cheek when she was thrown over to him. She screamed in pain and fell forward, the men around her doubling over in laughter. Her eyes hardened as she set her sights on the sword on the man's hip.

Without hesitation in their moment of distraction, she lunged for the sword. She pulled it up quickly and stepped back so the group of men was in front of her, all silent as they realized what had happened.

She wiped the blood from her cheek and then stepped towards James who was in the front of the men. His eyes followed the tip of the blade as she pressed it against his neck, paying attention to the rest, making sure they were staying put.

"Don't. Move," She stated firmly.

The men's faces were hard, but the princess didn't care. Finally, finally, she was in a position of power. James' neck was underneath her sword and all she had to do was push a little bit further to draw blood. After all, he deserved it. And when she was done, she could turn to the rest of them and show them what it was like to be hurt and abused by someone.

If she hadn't been so blinded by rage and her need for revenge on the men in front of her, she might have seen the trap. Her eyes were set on James' and her thoughts were clouded with all the horrible memories he had inflicted on her. Unfortunately for her, this meant not recognizing the man slipping to the side and lunging at her.

It was the man with the knife, she realized. The princess was lucky to not get stabbed, but her sword clattered to the ground along with her body. The man's knife had also slipped from him on impact and landed right next to her.

Without skipping a beat, she scooped the knife up and ran out the door into the main room, slamming the door behind her to give the tiniest bit of a head start. The men in the main room were oblivious to the commotion as the princess sprinted towards Tom and swiftly cut the ropes.

With Tom now free from his bindings, the two made a quick start for the door but was immediately blocked by James and the men with him. They didn't stop moving as they began a goose chase around the room, many of the other men now joining in too.

Chairs were being thrown all around as the princess followed Tom to the only visible unmarked exit: an open window.

They knocked over tables behind them trying to distance themselves and the men, before leaping through the window onto the grass outside. They didn't waste any time and started sprinting down the street.

A chill ran down the princess' spine and the hairs stood up on her skin when she heard the first gunshot. From there on, the chaos was even more intense. So intense that Y/N couldn't even understand what was happening entirely. At one point, Tom grabbed her hand, trying to keep her moving.

Somehow along the way, they were separated for a few moments, accidentally turning opposite ways. Panic filled the princess as she tried to backtrack towards Tom. She made the wrong move of looking up for a moment and seeing down the street a man holding a gun up towards her.

She was frozen and adrenaline ran through her entire body, somehow leaving her paralyzed. She heard the gunshot go off, and then suddenly she was being tackled to the ground by Tom. The bullet missed her and then she was being dragged up by Tom as he pulled her along while running again.

The princess was still processing what was happening when she blurted out, "You could've gotten shot!"

They were panting, still sprinting down and up tiny town streets, trying to get further and further away from everyone and out of the town. Tom paused for just a few moments to assess his surroundings.

"If my legacy is to throw myself in the path of a bullet to save your life, then so be it," He said while looking into her eyes.

The princess melted at his words but didn't get time to truly appreciate them because once again they were sprinting through the small town.

They didn't stop either. They kept running even when they reached the edge of town. They kept running when they were passed its gates. They kept running when they were in the vastness of the forest. They kept running and didn't stop until they were both so exhausted that when they did finally stop, they collapsed against each other under the protection of an overhanging rock formation.

And immediately passed out.

A Journey Of Lost Souls {Tom Holland}Where stories live. Discover now