Chapter 3 (Gone)

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                                               Mia pov

as i was looking at the jewel sigh as long as it saves her i don't care how deep i get into this i thought next thing i know is a Batarang knocks it out of my hand i turn around to see Batman,Nightwing,Red hood,Red Robin and Robin boys i said with a smirk grabbing the jewel "that doesn't belong to you" Batman said i smirk "well no but it will bring me a shiny penny" i said "no it won't" Red Robin said "listen boys i would love to tango with you any other night but I'm not in the mood" i said i turn around "Mia were not letting you leave this roof" Nightwing said "I pull out my katana's and turned around pointing my sword at them where did you get that name!" glaring at all of them we know who you are Batman said i storm up to him what gives you the right just as we were about to fight my phone rings its the hospital "hello Mia its Dr. Stan your mother isn't looking good i think you should get here as soon as possible to say your goodbyes" "I'm on my way here take it i tossed them the Jewel i don't have time for this" i took off running changing back into my regular clothes before i got to the hospital i got to my mom's room "mom" i sat in the chair next to her holding her hand with both of mine "I'm sorry sweetie i tried to be strong for you" she said "shh shh mom it's okay you did good" i said as i cupped her cheek with one hand "there is something you should know" she said "shhh save your strength" i said "you're father remember how i told you not to bring him up" she said i nodded "your father is Slade Wilson i didn't want you to lead that life" i felt tears fall down my cheeks "it's okay mom" i said "its okay" i said "I'm so proud of you sweetheart please don't lose yourself sweetheart" "you have such a big heart i wouldn't want you to lose your way" "i know mom" "I love you sweetheart" she said  "I love you too" i said and then she flatlined "mom i" said cupping her cheek "mom" i said again and started to cry my head on her hand it was hours when i finally left the hospital there is nothing left for me now i thought i ran back to the run down apartment changing into my fox mask and clothes i am on top of wayne tower it started to rain "i don't feel anything" i look up at the sky i feel so numb i thought i made my way to her favorite spot cliff falls I'm looking out at the city i pull out the sword and look at my reflection when the lightning lights up the sky i see my mom in it i stab the sword in the dirt and keep both hands on the handle as I'm kneeling my head down and i keep crying i couldn't save you i thought i couldn't do anything i stayed like that until the sun came up then i got up then started walking to my apartment i climb through the window 

                                                 third person pov

after Mia took off running after tossing the jewel to Batman they looked at each other what just happened Red hood asked Batman shrugs putting the jewel after a few hours he said let go back and talk to Stacy Wilson maybe she will know where Mia is staying Batman said they all nodded they go to her room to see her gone they look at each other confused "Excuse me" Nightwing asked a nurse "where is Stacy Wilson" "oh  poor woman passed away this evening" she said "poor Mia was a wreck she just left" she said everyone's eyes got wide and went to look for her but couldn't find her anywhere "this isn't good" Nightwing said everyone nodded "we need to find her before she does something reckless" Batman said "what are you doing" Robin asked seeing batman looking at a device "ever since our encounter i put a tracker on her she was or her suit was in this spot for three hours" he said "lets go" Red Robin said they all nodded they came to a rundown apartment entering through the window they see the same picture from the other house with Mia and her mother "this is the right place" Red Hood said they nodded "now we wait" Batman said after about five hours they hear the window open she's wet and run down they look at each other 

                                                  Mia pov

"sigh you might as well come out" i said taking off my mask "so you go from stalking to breaking and entering" i said with a dull tone hanging up my mask "Mia we just want to talk" Batman said "not in the mood now get out" i said walking past them to the kitchen to grab a drink i sit on the counter indian style "still here" i said "yup" Red Hood said "what do you want" i said glaring at them i grab my mask if your not leaving i am i jump out the window running roof to roof with them right behind me "just leave me alone!" i said roadhouse kicking Red Hood pulling out my swords "we can't do that" Batman said "yes you can there are plenty of bigger and badder guys to boss around" i said i swipe Red Robins legs out from under him and he falls next thing i know is i see a smoke pellet drop at my feet i start to cough i feel something stab me in the neck "son of a-" then someone catches me as i fall and everything goes black 

                                                  Dick's pov

I pick her up "now what" i said to batman "we take her to the cave" he said we all nod and making our way to the cave 

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