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Min jumped and flinched at the noise.

The sound of aggressive voices clamouring in the cells was drowned out for a moment as the guard wearing the grey prison uniform opened a metal door that made a loud screeching sound, echoing through the Prison.

"You're in cell B2," He said in a gruff voice, gesturing to said cell.

Min shrunk into himself, nodding at the gaurd before tentivly walking into the cell. He didn't look up from the floor.

He quietly made his way into the room, slowly looking around at the place he'd spend the rest of his life. He shivered, not just because of the cold.

Pearl sats on the bottom bunk in the orange prison attire, his sleeves rolled up neatly, revealing the detailed tattoos that ran up his arms. His green eyes moved from the stack of photos he was looking at to the small boy who had just entered the cell.

Isn't he supposed to be a murderer? He thought to himself, assessing the boy who clearly hadn't seen him yet. There's no way he could have killed someone, he thought to himself.

"So you killed someone?" He asked bluntly, continuing to eye the boy.

Maybe he's some sort of sick sociopath that pretends to be all innocent or something, he thinks to himself.

Min jumped ten feet in the air, turning around. Seeing the man on the bed he quickly averted his gaze, shaking slightly in fear.

"" He stuttered out shyly as he scooted slowly away from the man into the corner of the room.

"Oh so you're innocent then?" Pearl asked dryly, studying the boy.

Maybe it was a one time thing. A fit of emotion. Maybe even an accident... no that would be manslaughter. He's a convicted murderer, so why?

Min just nodded his head as he stood in the corner of the room, looking at his feet. He wished he could just melt through the floor and dissappear forever. He was never good with new people staring at him, or people staring at him in general.

"I'm Pearl, the top bunks all yours..." Pearl said indifferently. He went back to looking through the stack of photos in his hands, "They're really strict about personal items but they'll let you have anything made of paper or anything soft can put posters up 'n shit." He explained, not looking up from the photos.

"Min," Min smiled slightly, "Thank you...for telling me" Min mumbled out, stealing a glance at the man before walking quietly to the bunk trying not to draw attention to himself as he climbed up the ladder onto the top bunk. The bed creaked as he lay down on his side and looked out the small barred window directly across from the bunks. The blue sky was just beyond the grey prison. Min looked at it longingly, feeling scared again.

What if I really am in here forever? He thinks to himself, curling up into a ball.

"You really murder someone?" Pearl asked after a few minutes of laying in silence. He was trying to trigger some sort of anger, some sort of reaction. Maybe that'd give him a clue as to how thus tiny boy committed murder, "How'd you manage it?"

"I didn't " Min softly replied his eyes never leaving the window as his fingers trace patterns into the scratchy blanket beneath him, "Don't believe everything you hear." He mumbled.

"Heard that one before," Pearl said
dryly, putting the photos down. He lay back on the bed, the mattress creaking, "Really, how'd you do it? And if it wasn't you... who?" He pressed.

He'd usually mind his own but he wanted to know exactly how dangerous the boy he'd be sharing a room with was.

"I can't say" Min replied simply, desperately hopeing Pearl wasn't searching for a fight. He suddenly got scared again, making him shake.

"Huh... fancy that," Pearl mused, his strong British accent very apparent.

Min turned to the other side, looking at the concrete wall. He let out a sad sigh.

If he did commit murder, it would have been a spur of the moment thing, a burst of emotions, now a deep regret. probably, Pearl thought to himself.

He bit the inside of his gum. What of he is innocent? Even if he isn't... he's going to get eaten alive in here.

He sighed, "You're gonna have to be careful... you're pretty, you almost look like a girl," He grimaced, thinking about what a rough time this child is gonna have, "How old are you anyway? Aren't you a little young to be in a big boys prison?"

"I only just turned eighteen." Min replied quietly.

"Bad luck," he said, thinking back to the image if the cowering boy in the corner, "My advice is, find someone you trust and stick by 'em."

"I'll just have to manage..." Min said sleepily as he started drifting off to sleep, all the stress and pain of the day coming at him full force.

Pearl shook his head, rolling over. He picked up the photos again.

"Prison gays" was the sentence that started this. The result shows. - River

Yo yo yo I shouldn't write that hey river? ....anyway hello people who read this dis is da second author of this gay story....hope you like it I don't really know what else to say😅 - noodle

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