Chapter 11- Babysitting Mishaps

Start from the beginning

            "No wait, I didn't mean it like that!" he insisted. "I mean, you look sick and I don't think you should be babysitting at a time like this," he reasoned. Well, he has a point there.

            "It's a long story, but let's just say I didn't know I'd be babysitting until like an hour ago."

            As I proceeded to sit on the couch, Cameron kept being very persistent on making me green tea, to supposedly open up my sinuses. I finally gave in, hoping he wouldn't poison me or anything. Having been in the kitchen with Teta while she cooked numerous times, he acts like he knows everything inside out. But he did find the tea surprisingly fast, if I do say so myself.

            As he brought it over, I thanked him and held the hot mug in my hands, feeling the steam arise and heat up my face. I took a sip underestimating its extreme temperature and burned my tongue. I yelped in pain, which only made Mariam, who was once again sitting down busy on her laptop smile in pleasure. Why does this girl hate me? Like, really, what did I ever do to her?

            "Thankth a lot Cameron, I burnt my tongue," I said with a swollen tongue with was pounding.

He smiled sheepishly at me and just shrugged. "Hey, its not my fault you took a big gulp." Once it cooled down, I went to drink the rest of it, which wasn't that bad. I don't think I've seen a guy make tea before to be honest. I mean, I think the first time Adam would make tea would be when cows fly. Like, that'd never happen. So you could say I was impressed. Just as I was started to feel relaxed, I heard the stomping of kids coming down the stairs. Then followed the voices.

"You cheated!"

"No I didn't!"

"I didn't hear you count all the way to ten!"

"That's because I did it in my head!"

"That doesn't count. You cheated!"

I rubbed my temples trying to ease the headache that was building up. Ya Allah, could these kids get on my nerve any more?

"Quiet, the both of you," I begged them. I lied down on the couch and took a deep breath trying to think of a game that would keep them quiet and not make chaos. Then I saw Malik and Maxy look at each other as if light bulbs went off in both their heads at the same exact time.

"Doctor!" they both yelled in unison and I had to shush them.

"Um, okay sure, whatever," I agreed thinking it was nothing. Boy was I wrong, because not even a half hour later, the kids were jabbing syringes in my skin which were supposed to act as needles. Both Malik and Maxy were wearing the same sanitation gloves and masks as I, and that wasn't all. Cameron was sitting behind them acting as their assistant as he handed them the necessities.

"Sponge," Malik demanded.

"Sponge," Cameron repeated as he handed it over.

"Gauze," Maxy said.

"Gauze, got it," Cameron mimicked handing the massive roll over to her.

Next thing I knew, both kids' faces lit up and then began wrapping me up like a mummy with all the gauze. I was literally covered from head to toe, and only my eyes were visible.

"Camrn, mum mekhll me," I mumbled under the layer of gauze that was covering my mouth. The jerk just laughed.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" he asked cupping his ear to hear better sarcastically, and I just tried giving him the most intimidating glare I could. It didn't seem to bother him whatsoever and he just kept chuckling. Jerk.

My Dunya (NEEDS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now