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     I knew I shouldn't have walked away that day. I knew it. But yet I did anyway. And because of my stupidity, I lost it. I shouldn't have ever left my post. I knew better.

     "Nice night, ain't it Bodhi?" A voice said from somewhere to my right. I glanced over, lighting up with recognition. "Avion, my friend! Nice night indeed." I laughed, walking over and shaking the man's hand.

     We were both on guard duty that night, though Avion was supposed to be on the outter the wall while I guarded the entrance to the Heart of our kingdom. When I asked him about it, he simply laughed at me "Newby's covering for me. Poor guy is just an apprentice, he can barely hold a sword." He chuckled. "Hey, why don't we take a walk? I need a break from this place."

     "You know we are on the brink of war, yes? Anything can happen at any moment. And 'this place' is our home. We must protect it."

     "Oh hush. Classic Bodhi. You've grown to be such a square. He'll be fine for a few minutes by himself. And so will Sena. What are the chances we get bombarded at this exact moment."

     Battalion Sergeant Sena was my second. She was the only woman in the guard, and definitely one of the most lethal. She was tiny, but certainly mighty. And after I was to get promoted to Master Commander, she would take my place. And after I died, most likely (and most eligibly), the Phoenix.

     "I'd rather be over pre- pared than under prepared," I argued "Plus, that's how I got to command my own legion two years after joining the guard." I added, glancing at my friend sideways.

     "Oi, what are you trying to say? We both have the same title." Avion said, defensively. "But it took you years to earn it." I threw back. We had the same rank, yes. But the similarities ended there.

     "Just take the bloody walk with me." Avion grumbled, walking away. Hesitantly, I followed, nodding at Sena. "I'll be back shortly." I promised.
     Standing at almost seven feet, Avion had huge muscles just about everywhere except his stomach, and a scar running down the right side of his face. And if that didnt make him scary, he was also ambidextrous, carrying two axes on his back and two swords on his hilt. Topped off with wild reddish hair and a long scruffy beard, he looked like he could take on an army by himself. And he could.

     I was just under six feet, with quite a bit less muscle mass, but I was still stronger. I was also quicker and much more agile than Avion. My hair was short, and I had a goatee (manly, but man-ageable).

     A formidable opponent, though he lacked discipline, and tended to think with his muscles. Hence why he was the third out of four to earn the rank of Battalion Commander. And that's exactly what made me better.

      I finally made Avion stop and sit somewhere on the outskirts of the kingdom, my post still in veiw. After we took off our helmets and sat for awhile he said "Ya'know, just because you got the Phoenix-"

     "I earned the Phoenix. And I didnt 'get' anything. The Phoenix chose me and you know it." As much as I loved my friend, he started to wear on my nerves. Avion fell silent, and I knew what he was thinking. I sighed and centered my breathing. I closed my eyes and didn't move.

     "Gotcha!" Avion laughed as he swiftly stood, his fist coming down toward my head. He always tried this. It became a sort of routine for us. He thought he could get the drop on me, waited til he thought I wasnt paying attention... yada yada.

     But even before the Phoenix came, in all the time I've known Avion, he could never fool me.

     Turning, I grabbed his fist, pulling him toward me and I stood, lifting him over my head and slamming him hard on the ground, his arm pulled behind his back.

     "Tsk tsk. When will you learn, my friend?"

     "Bloody hell, Bodhi." He gasped. I chuckled "Bloody hell indeed. You ser-"

     "No, Bodhi. Look!" Avion nodded in the direction of the castle.

     When I looked, I saw one of my worst fears. Instantly I had my helmet on and was up and running towards the entrance to the Heart, sword in hand.

     The castle was on fire.

     Reaching my post, Avion right behind me, I looked for Sena. Inside, there was an explosion that shook the ground. The sound of clashing metal and yelling came from within the broken door of the entrance. "She must be inside!" Avion said what I was thinking. Without a second of hesitation, we both ran in.

     A few minutes later we arrived at the very Heart, where a sacred an ancient weapon was supposed to be protected. It was the foundation upon which our kingdom was built and has helped to keep us protected and untouchable. It'd been strongly and safely guarded behind a maze and armed guards for generations. I was one of two to know the path through the maze. My only hope is that we weren't too late.

     Pushing forward we made it through the maze and past piles of bodies to the center where another set of broken doors were. Sena was lying unconscious and bleeding in front of it. "Sena!" I sat her up and examined her. She stirred slightly and I let out my breath. A small bit of good in this horrible situation.

     "Whoever's responsible for this had to be as strong as us to take out Sena."

     "Avion." No sooner did I say it did Avion start to tend to her. Immediately I stood and opened the doors all the way, holding my breath.

The Sacred Stone was gone. And so was who ever stole it.

The Legends of Thavv; Book 1: Bodhi the PhoenixTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang