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Bad Wolf: Return of Gallifrey

Chapter Two: Tests

By Dame Rose Tyler

Ahhh, the second installment! Please fasten your seatbelts and keep your hands and arms inside the ride! Thank you for your cooperation and enjoy!

~Dame Rose Tyler

Rose looked around the room she was left in and walked up to the window. The planet Gallifrey, one she had only heard the Doctor mention in passing lye before her.

"Some gratitude, at last." Rose sighed as the guard closed the door behind him as he left.

"Now this is what I'm talking about, a cell with a view." Rose smiled and laughed at the irony of the situation. She could only wish that the Doctor had been there to see her performance before the high council. At the moment her only opinion of these time lords was that they were nothing but tight wad jerks. Rose sighed and collapsed onto the bed. Her eyes closing as her mind reflected on the events that lead her here.

"Where are you when I need you Doc?"

Rolling onto her side Rose curled into a ball. Her peace was short lived though as someone knocked on the door.

"Come on in, the views great!" Rose laughed, thinking about how that sentence could go in a very bad direction depending on whom was outside the door. Rose sat up as the High Chancellor entered the room. Glancing at her for a moment in thought he crossed the room to sit at a small table by the window.

"How is it you're a Time Lord?"

"Ah, straight to the point I see." Rose swung her legs off the bed and stood. Placing her hands in her pockets she rocked back and forth on her heels.

"Well, you see me and my Time Lord friend were traveling and ended up on Satellite Five. The Daleks were molding the universe to their whims from this place. To make a long story short, he sent me back in the Tardis to my own time. Of course I didn't stay, broke open the control consol and looked into the heart of the Tardis. After I absorbed the vortex the Tardis took me back to the future and my friend. From there I used the power I was given to destroy the Daleks and turn them to dust."

The chancellor nodded and motion for Rose to sit near him.

"I have convened with the other member of the council in private. Although you have committed a crime, whether for good intentions or not there is nothing we can do. The energy that is inside you is not from this universe and forcing you to regenerate could possibly destroy this universe. So, we have come to the decision to allow you to attend the academy. From there we will grant you a Tardis and exile you from this universe for the remainder of your regenerations."

"That's all well and good, but the universe are sealed, my friend made sure of that."

"Yes I am aware of that, but unlike your friend there are many of us and only one of him. Dimensional travel is more than easy for us."

"What about my family? I mean I may have mutated into a Time Lord, but my mother is still human."

"I have taken this fact into consideration Rose. Every hundred years you will be granted one day to be in this universe at your discretion and leisure."

Rose smiled and held out her hand for a shake.

'You got yourself a deal sir!"

Rose jumped up and began pacing the room.

"So how long does this academy take? I mean is it hard?"

The chancellor laughed and patted Rose on the shoulder.

"We'll figure that out later, for now just rest."

The chancellor left Rose alone to her thoughts. The room was growing dimmer as night fell and Rose climbed back onto the bed. Sleep would be a good idea at this point. Rose couldn't think of anything else to do, her mind could barely grasp the fact that she was going to the Time Lord academy.

"I really wish you were here Doctor, hopefully their information is the same as what I absorbed from the vortex back home."

Rose reached over and turned down the lights. It was amazing how much destroying a planet and fighting for your innocence could take out of a person. Rose awoke a few hours later to the smell of wondrous food. Opening her eyes a crack she glanced at the table beside her head. Without hesitation she sat up and dug into the food as if she hadn't eaten in days. After the food was demolished Rose glanced around the room and noticed red robes hanging by the bathroom. Jumping up she grabbed them and headed for the shower. Twenty minutes and a lot of frustration later, Rose was dressed and ready for action. Walking out of the bathroom, Rose was greeted yet again by the high chancellor.

"I'm here to escort you to the academy. From there Romna will take you to your new family house."

Rose nodded and smiled at the chancellor as they left her room. The academy itself was a short walk from the citadel. The outside was breathtaking, the design alone must have taken years to come up with Rose assumed. As they continued inside Rose glanced around the hallway. The walls were bare and plan, but they glittered like stars, it almost matched the reflections you got when you looked at garnet or marble back on Earth.

"We were not sure of your current knowledge so we have placed you into a test class to asses it. Your scores from these tests will determine your need and placement if necessary."

Rose nodded and turned to follow the chancellor into the room they had stopped at. An older woman greeted her with a smile and turned to the other in the room.

"Students, we have a new arrival. She has not yet chosen her name, so please do not address her as of yet."

"Rose turned to the chancellor and smiled at him curiously.

"Chosen a name?"

"Yes, when you are accepted into the academy you are to choose a name, a pseudo. Your name before that becomes a secret that only your bonded mate may use."

Rose blinked even more confused than she was before.


The older woman smiled, "Because child, there is power in words. Your real name can be sued by your enemies to hurt you and that which you care for."

Rose nodded, "Ok then, you can call me the Doctor."

The professor smiled and turned back to the class.

"Everyone, welcome the Doctor."

Rose smiled and waved as everyone said hello. It felt weird to have everyone call her the Doctor, but in a way she also felt like she was honoring him.

OH, thank you all so much for your wonderful reviews! Keep it up and there may just be another one tomorrow! I love it when people like my stories. I will be updating Time lord here soon; I have to re-write the first chapter though so it flows better with the second one. I made some changes since the last time I wrote it. So read and review and check out some of my other stories!

~Dame Rose Tyler

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