Then, I looked up Sam's moms number and called her.


"Hi, Mrs. Evans. Where are you at the moment?"

"We are on the way home. We're stuck in a traffic Jam."

"Are you able to turn around?"

"Yes. Is something wrong Quinn?

"You need to come to the hospital. I hate to tell you this but, Sam was hit by a truck and is injured terribly." It was quiet for a few seconds.

"We're on the way."


By the time Dwight, Mary and the twins arrived at the hospital, almost everyone from Glee was here.

"Finn, tell me exactly what happened."Mary said, walking right up to him. Finn explained to everyone. Mary just sat in a chair and squeezed her eyes shut. I heard Brenda sob and everyone looked at her. Kurt ran over to her and made Finn get up. He hugged Brenda tightly and started crying himself. Before long, everyone was crying, or had tears in their eyes. A little while later, a female doctor came out.

"Evans?" Everyone stood quickly. "Wow, a lot of people. Where are Samuel's parents?" Mary and Dwight stepped forward.

"Okay, will all of you follow me?" Everyone followed her to a room that had couches, recliners, a TV, a drink machine, a vending machine, a microwave, tables and chairs. Once everyone sat down, she started talking.

"Samuel is in critical condition. He is in surgery as we speak. His injuries are very serious. He has a bad concussion and he has lost a lot of blood. When he hit the ground, he broke four ribs,his left arm is broken in three places,his right leg is broken in four places and he has multiple cuts,bruises and scratches all over his body. Fortunately though, he didn't break his neck or back. We had to revive him on the scene and then again when he got here. He is stable now though. He'll be out of surgery momentarily and once he is out, he will be taken to ICU. I am sorry for telling you this. Does anyone have any questions?"

"Is he gonna be okay? Will my baby live?" The doctor looked down.

"There is a 50/50 chance of his survival. I'm sorry. We will do the best we can. I will let you know how the surgery went momentarily." She walked out of the room, shutting the door. Everything was quiet, all except for Brenda and Mary's muffled sobs.


Third Person POV

20 minutes later

Puck was the only one who hadn't said anything. A few minutes ago he made Kurt move so he could sit with Brenda. He had his arms wrapped around her and her head was laying on his chest. She wasn't crying anymore but she had a broken look in her eyes. She was just staring at the door waiting for the doctor to come back. Puck looked around at the silent group of teens and few adults. Even Mr. Schue and Ms. Pilsburry were here.

"I'm sorry." Puck said. Everyone looked at him.

"Sorry for what?" Dwight asked.

"It's my fault. If I had just gone myself, none of this would have happened." His voice cracked slightly. Brenda looked at him. She started shaking her head.

"No it's not, Noah. You may be an idiot but this of all things is NOT your fault." Puck laughed wetly and buried his face in her hair. "Finn, I forgot to ask you. What did the truck look like?"

"Well, it was black and had blue lights. He had huge tires and on the front was- Holy shit! I know who it was now. I knew I recognized him from some where!"

I love You More and More EverydayWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt