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Kris had been sleeping, snoring loudly, a small stuffed panda bear at his side. It was a gift from Tao, his best friend—the one he's been crushing on ever since he caught that first glimpse of him. But Tao was already in a relationship with someone and seemed perfectly happy, and he didn't want to ruin that for him. The most he could do was support him and admire him from afar.

He was awakened with a start by his phone. It was vibrating loudly and playing an annoying chime over and over. The caller ID had said the call was from Tao, resulting in Kris answering in a heartbeat. Tao never called him this late at night unless it was an emergency.

Upon accepting the call, he heard Tao sniffing and hiccuping. The sounds of crying.

"Tao, what's wrong? I can hear you crying."

Emitting another hiccup, Tao answered shakily. "H-He's cheating on m-me. I can he-hear him in my room w-with another g-girl."

What the hell? The nerve of this er!

"Are they just talking or...?"

Tao heaved out another sob. "N-No, they're...ha-having .."

Oh no.

"I'll be over there in a second. You're coming with me."

"B-But Kris..."

No. No no no no no no no. He is not staying with that motherer.

"No. You're coming with me, and that's final."

Kris hung up, threw on some clothes, and grabbed his car keys.

Kris walked up the stairs to the apartment. He banged on the door with his fist several times before Tao opened the door, eyes puffy and red.

"Get your stuff. We're going," Kris said gruffly. He was pissed.

"But they're in my room..I don't want to see them..."

He sighed. Pushing Tao aside, he stomped into the apartment and tore open the door to his room, catching Tao's (now ex) boyfriend and some girl by surprise.

"What are you doing? Can't you see we're--"

"I don't give a flying about what the hell you're doing! I'm taking Tao! And if your asses aren't gone by tomorrow morning, I'm going to you up!" he shouted angrily pointing at him, grabbing Tao's clothes from his closet and one of his favorite bags. One that he had bought for him.

He slammed the door, arms full with Tao's clothes and bags. Tao was sitting on the couch, still crying.

"Come on Panda...You can stay the night with me.." Kris encouraged. Maybe, just maybe, tonight he could pour his feelings out to Tao.

"O-Okay..." Tao sniffed, wiping tears off of his face. His wrist and hand was almost soaked from doing it so much.

When they arrived in the parking lot, Kris opened his car's door for Tao. Tao crawled in, still sniffing.

Kris followed Tao and sat in the driver's seat. Seeing and hearing Tao sniff over and over, he reached over to the side compartment and pulled out some tissues.

"Look at me," Kris commanded, and Tao obeying.

Kris put the tissues to Tao's nose. "Blow," he ordered.

Squeezing his eyes shut, Tao did as he was told until his nose was cleared. His face was tinted red in embarrassment, but it was so late and dark out that Kris didn't notice, thankfully.

"T-Thanks," he mumbled shyly, slumping in the seat. Truth was, Tao liked Kris too. He thought he was selfish and didn't want to ruin the friendship, so in an attempt to get Kris out of his mind, he began dating other people.

But it didn't work.

Kris pulled his keys out of his pocket and started the car.



"Are you wearing your seatbelt?"

"Oh.." Tao reached back and put his seatbelt on, feeling like a little kid. "N-Now I am."

"Okay, good."

Tao followed Kris inside of his own apartment. Kris neatly put Tao's clothes in his closet and his bags on the couch.

Tao fiddled with his hands facing Kris, with an expression like a sad, lost puppy.

"What's wrong?"

Tao flinched.

"I-I'm sorry I bothered you. I shouldn't h-have woken you up. I should've--"


Kris took Tao into his arms and into an affectionate, warm hug.

Tao froze for a moment, and melted into the hug.


Tao remained silent and wrapped his arms around Kris's neck.

"I'm in love with you. I have been for the longest time. I don't want you to go back to him or anyone else."

Tao could hear Kris's voice shaking, signaling that he was about to cry.

He buried his face into his shoulder upon hearing Kris's confession. He wanted to jump for joy. His feelings are returned.

"I won't,"

He began to feel Kris pull away, thinking he had been rejected. Tao squeezed him back.

"I'm going to be with you instead."


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