Am I Doing this Right?

Start from the beginning

An odd sense of deja vu washes over me. This moment brought me back to our first fight together. To that cold, emotionless girl with eyes void of any sense of emotion.

I refused to let her regress back to that.

"Ichidai Sanzen Daisen Sekai!" With Haki imbued swords, I fire slash after slash hoping to cause enough force to blow the water clones away.

Just as I was about to pivot to face Arya, I am stopped dead in my tracks by the quick constriction of what felt like steel cables around my legs.

Arya had my legs bound in water just like the last time we spared.

After I save her, I am sparring with her until I know how to defend against that attack.

"Let's finish this." She growled as she approached like a prey about to initiate the killing blow.

As Arya barreled toward me, I had a brilliant idea. She left my arms open so if I just used Haki and my swords to cut through the water I would be good.

I mean I just had to make sure I cut exactly where the water met my legs. If I cut deeper, I would cut part of my legs off. 

How hard could it be?

I cut myself out in the nick of time and leap back to create some distance to gain momentum for my next attack.

When doing so I hit backs with Sanji. I could feel his muscles working hard to breath against my spine.

He didn't appear injured just annoyed more than anything.

The air around him was so cold I could see his breathe, like he was smoking a phantom cigarette. 

"Doing well over there I see. Frosty doesn't even seem to have broken a sweat," I mock him blowing off some steam trying to figure out what else I could say or do to kick start Arya's memories.

"Well I haven't tried heating things up yet," He lights a cigarette with a mischievous grin, "What about you? Our dearest Arya still seems to be an emotionless robot."

"Maybe if I remind her of my inner demons, things will comeback quicker." I take a deep breath feeling ready to take in Asura. Hoping the memory of our first battle would be enough.

"Can you control it this time around?" Sanji voice had a slight concerned tone.

"Well if I can't, she will be worn down trying to stop me. So, it is a win win." I said confidently even if the plan sounded a little obscene.

Sanji look deeply in my eye and gives me a quick, understanding nod than gazes over my shoulder, "You better be right because looks like Arya is not going to go easy on you."

Arya's water body is swallowed by her Haki turning her whole body a gleaming black.

We take one last inhale together before we attack, "Kyutoryu: Asura!" "Diable Jambe!"


A familiar dark Haoshoku Haki washes over making fireworks explode in my head. I grunt through the pain, "Mizu Mizu Black Dragon."

The black dragon swells to full size over the swordsmen and crashes down upon the swordsman with a thunderous fury.

I waited for the clash to end, but an unsettling feeling crept through my bones. 

The dragon was cut down quickly, the bits and pieces of it showered down from the sky as a down pour of black rain. The new form of the swordsman step through the black veil.

He stood there grinning viciously showing off his fangs, both of his eyes were open one consumed with darkness the other still a clear indigo. Waves of a powerful black aura spilled off of him. So powerful the ground broke as he approached.

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