part 10-

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All photos and my blog was ready to go I just needed to post it, but wanted my dad and ole to read it first before I did, I spent the whole day at the ground writing it all up, ready for it to be posted as soon as possible, watching the players all run in luke did a little wave which I returned.
"Hey" I shouted at my dad and ole walked past where I was sat
"Come read this before I post it" they both nodded and made their way up to me.

Soon the post was posted and I was back at home, tonight was a family day, my two other sisters,Ella and my dad we all took once a week to sit down and catch up, as Ella was talking I felt my phone go off, wanting to check it but not get told off for doing so I excused myself to the toilet
'lukeshaw23 has messaged you' I read what he sent a couple of times
'hey, little Carrick, loved that post you wrote! Awesome pictures too! I was wondering if you wanted to go out some time?  X' and the feelings were caught, god sake Luke Shaw why did he have to be just so him? Not thinking about how long I've been I heard a knock on the door
"Hunnie you okay?" I heard Ella's voice opening the door I pulled her into my room to tell her about the text
"I don't know what to do"
"Dad would kill me"

Soon the post was posted and I was back at home, tonight was a family day, my two other sisters,Ella and my dad we all took once a week to sit down and catch up, as Ella was talking I felt my phone go off, wanting to check it but not get told off ...

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"Don't worry about your dad I'll take care of that, you reply to that young lad that you would love to go, have fun Shanice he's clearly in to you" I nodded and pulled out my phone asking when and where while Ella came up with an excuse to why we took so long.

Who's daughter? - Luke ShawWhere stories live. Discover now