Shit - ass men everywhere!

I take a swig from the bottle of strawberry vodka that is for emergencies just like this.

Ah! That's better. It numbs the pain - pain of being single, pain of being invisible to a man I like, pain of not having a family of my own. The pain of being alone.

It's just two 'o clock in the afternoon and I'm already feeling like shit. I'm in a sour mood all of a sudden.

Heck! I'm always in a sour mood.

What on earth do I need a man for anyway?

I can do bad all by myself.

I take another swig, and wipe at the errant drops that escape my lips. Getting up from the bed, I stand in front of the mirror and remove my clothes, appraising myself. I assess my pert breasts, my eyes trailing down to my flat stomach, then I take one look at my wide hips and grimace.

My eyes move down to my thick thighs and I grimace again. I continue my downward descent to my slim long legs and release the in-held breath I didn't realise I was holding.

Not bad --- but not fantastic.

A tear slides down my cheeks and I take another swig from the bottle and yet another one, until it's entire content has been drained, then I fall onto my bed.

As my eyelids droop, my mind swings to Batman yet again.

The last thing that crosses my mind as I fall into a deep slumber is how desirable he made me feel.

° ° °

The first thing I hear upon waking is the gay chirping of birds outside my window.

Suddenly I'm fully alert, more than I ever remember being. Picking up my phone, I start going through my e - mails and come across one that is marked important. It's from a prospective client whom I had sent a proposal letter to some months ago. I had been chasing this particular client for quite some time.

My eyes practically bulge as I take in the date it was delivered. It was just yesterday night, same time I had been getting ready to hit the club with Ebere.

The e - mail reads: We are pleased to inform you that we would like you to come train the HR section of Deuce Manufacturing company at 10am on Monday the 7th.
We hope to see you there.

Today is Monday and it's 8am.

Oh shit!

I rush into the bath, silently cursing under my breath. If I loose this opportunity, I will hate myself forever.

I am a Project Management Consultant, just recently started my business. I decided to go solo because I was tired of working for people and being at their beck and call at odd hours of the day. I would get back home late everyday and never have time for myself. I never had a social life, no time to relax and smell the roses that life offered.

It was always work, work and more work. I conceived an idea in my mind some years ago when I took a course in Project Management and went ahead to do the exams. I passed with flying colours and as a result of this, I was called upon to train other people. I know how important Project Management is to every company and to life as a whole.

Deuce manufacturing company is a referral from a family friend who knows the managing director. I couldn't very well let her down. I know how difficult it as a female, carving a niche in the business world. So I must make a good appearance and be on time too.

After bathing, I ransack my wardrobe looking for the right attire to wear, knowing for a fact that I have to dress corporate and professional at the same time.

There's lust and then there's Eve- book 1of the Batman series.Where stories live. Discover now