"And what do you want me to do about bombs and plague." I countered knowing that she was being ridiculous on purpose.

"Come on!" She wailed.

"Fine, fine!" I gave in, "It is not like I can read in the middle of you yelling in my ear."

I went to check out my book and I walk with Dee to the Café.

I met Dee first when I was walking in the middle of the hall reading a book. I actually am a professional at reading and walking done it almost every day and never bump into something. Some people don't get it but it a talent much like walking while on your phone. Use your peripheral vision. 

 I was walking and reading so Dee stops me by yelling to be careful, there is a tree. I, as usually, ignore it. Dee kept persisting after listing the dangers of walking will reading and I retorted with reason it save time and we found out we were in the same class. We became the best of friends but Dee hates reading.

Arriving at the Cafeteria we survey our surrounding and found a table to sit.

"Dee, buy your lunch and I keep animal from our table." I said and started to walk the other way.

"So cold." Shifted Dee.

Dee has a mom who work, like, 24/7 so she don't get packed lunch like I do and she has to get... ugh... cafe food.

As usual, I started reading.

"Wooh, there watch where you a going." A voice came from next to me.

I stuck my head out of the book and saw standing next to me was Cole.

" Yah, yah." I wave my hand at him in a dismissal way.

Cole was popular so many respect him but I knew him before any of them so I really don't care.

"Sheesh, Cas you are gonna get hurt one of these days" He said.

I look at him sharply, "It's Cassie to you."

Well...knowing him does not mean I'm close to him.

He looked down and walked away to his friends.

I could hear people talking about this. They were saying that I was rude for no reason or that I need to learn manners and Cole was just being nice.

I get this all the time so I really don't care and it does not matter to me what they say.

I sat down at the table and fold a flap on my book and closed it. Food doesn't mix with books. The thing I like as much as books is food. Like, I am so freaken in love with food.

I open the bag up and take out the twelve foot long subway sandwich and began to unfolding the wrapping paper.

I lift it up slowly in my mouth and-

" Sup, Cas."Brily slaps my back and dropped down on into the seat next to me.

I cough bits of  my sandwich out  started choke what ever was in my mouth.

"Dude, you okay?" Brily lean over hovering with a concern face.

"Shit, cough what do you're think." I snapped at him trying to regain my breath.

Truth to be told, I hate surprises. I hate, Hate, HATE surprises.

"Sorry." Birly back down," what's with the harshness back there".

I sigh, of course Brily would be here to get the rumors, he's Brily.

"Nothing, just past harsh time." I answer starting to eat again.

"If it is nothing, than why are you in such a crappy mood just now." He asked. That dud is getting on my nerves with his questions.

"No of your Beeswax so stop sticking you noise where it doesn't belong." I stated picking up my sandwich again.

"Sheesh, no hard feelings, huh." He sneered.

I rolled my eyes and asked him," What are you doing here?"

Usually Brily would go and sit at his table with his friends, no with someone like me.

"Oh, ya!"He slaps my back again and said, "Thank for the advice Cas, I already turned my paper to Mr. Fance this morning."

"No prob, just don't slap me on my back again. We are not all made of muscle and skew, you know." I went back to trying to eat my sandwich again.

He got up and left with a goodbye and Dee took his seat and his job of annoying me too.

"Cas! Two hot guys in one day, no fair." She whine as set her tray on the table and start to unwrap the spicy chicken.

I was about to answer but I had to finish chewing. I always hated that.

"For your info, I pissed one off and the other came for his homework."

" You get to tutor Bryan, no far I get Zack who spits whenever he talks" Dee also has to tutor to get volunteer hours too.

" Dude, you are kidding. I have to explain to that cough ehhem head everything twice before he tries to listen." I complain to her and finishing the sand which at the same time.
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