
265 14 3

July 7, 2019 4:32 p.m

They say love can't be attained without pain. I've learned that the same rule applies to friendship—that even the people you hold dear to your heart can hurt you. With love comes disappointments, fear, and heartbreak. So why do we love knowing pain accompanies it? Why do we torture ourselves over it? The answer is simple, love is the most natural thing humans do. We love, because we are flawed. We love, because love is a beautiful thing—the best feeling ever known to man. We overlook pain, because we hope love is worth it. They say love is blind, and I believe that to be true. Because I'm a victim of love's cruel fate. And he is to blame. He wasn't only my best friend. He was everything to me. So when I lost him, I lost myself. His world and mine, had never been the same, but I never expected us two to collide the way we did. I was naive to assume we'd be the ones to defeat the odds of friendship, but he ruined that. He ruined us. But by then I was already falling, and in the midst of falling, I realized he was the only one who could save me. That's how I feel every time I see him. Like I'm falling, and I can't do anything about it, because it's up to him to save me. To save me from the person I've become. All these years I've built myself into a version of someone who I don't recognize, and whenever I see the glint of memories in his eyes, I know he's the only one who can pull me back into the person I was.

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