Chapter 1

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Haizaki Shizuka's POV

"Shogo," I called out to him. "Going out with your new girlfriend?" I asked him.

He nodded and smirked. "I've got a real beauty this time. She's got a good figure too."

"Why can't you just fall in love with a normal girl and stop making girls cry?"

"You still believe in fairy tales?" he asked. I narrowed my eyes at him. Is he making fun of me?!

"I'm just telling you to stop it. It troubles me too. Tons of girls always go to me crying and complaining that their hearts were broken by you," I complained.

"It's not my fault that they all bore me out. Tch, they're hot and all, but they become really clingy and bratty. So annoying!" he complained as he left the house. What a jerk!

Well, I forgot to introduce myself.. I am Haizaki Shizuka, as I have said in the previous chapter...or was it really a chapter? XD I'm that bastard Haizaki Shogo's older sister, only by a year. We're completely different! I like playing basketball, even if he doesn't really like it. I'm pretty good, although he's better. You can say that I'm above average, enough to get in the second string

I'm a girl that would like to fall in love. I don't approve of my bro's ways. Plus, it's troublesome with those women that come sucking up to me. I agree with his opinion because of that. They're really annoying sometimes...

I love rainbows and flowers. They're colorful. :3 I don't like bees though. I once got stung by one when I was a kid, considering that I hang around the garden and places with flowers a lot. I like colorful stuff. I once had a dream of having a guy with rainbow-colored hair as a husband when I was younger. It never fails to make me laugh whenever I remember that dream.

I was about to walk out of the house when I saw my brother's phone. He forgot it. I took it with me. Woah, 22 missed calls..from the same girl!! Makino Sachiko...She has the same name with the girl from Corpse Party! I was switching the channels once and found that anime with that character. This girl my brother got calls from..must be scary!! A yandere. I'm sure of it.

And there it is again! A call..I took the call. Maybe I can hook him up with this girl! "Hello?"

["A girl's voice? WHO ARE YOU?! ARE YOU HIS GIRLFRIEND? I CAN NOT BELIEVE HE WOULD SWITCH ME SO EASILY!!!"] the voice in the other line said. Woah, how scary!

"I'm his sister," I replied.

The voice suddenly went sweet and innocent. ["Oh, I see. I apologize to have been very rude,"] she said as she giggled. Definitely very scary. ["I just can't believe that he would dump me after a week!"] she said as I heard sobs. Plus, the way she's speaking seems like she's an ojou-sama! ["May I please speak to him?"]

[Ojou-sama means a rich lady.]

"Sorry, but he just left the house. I was just about to give him his phone 'cuz he forgot it," I said.

["Oh...."] she muttered and hung up.

But I do have a problem...I didn't know where he is! Then I heard his phone ring again. This time, it's a boy! O.O" OhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygosh!!! I didn't know my brother swings this way!!! I picked it up quickly. And....

["OII! HAIZAKI, YOU SKIPPED PRACTICE AGAIN!!!!"] it said. Oh, so it was just a teammate... ((A/N: Why do you sound so disappointed, Shizuka?! Are you secretly a fujoshi?)) Urusai, stupid author. ((A/N: Tch, you wouldn't even exist if it weren't for me.. >.>))

"Can't you please speak a little quieter?" I complained.

["A woman? His new girlfriend? You better give up. He's a real player!"] he said. I popped a vein.

"I know because I'm his sister," I said. The other line went silent. That's what you get for assuming!

"Oh, sorry," he said.

"Anyway, I will be giving it to him. Do you have any idea where he might be?" I asked.

["He'd probably in a place in XXX place or something? But it's famous for flirts and pick-ups. Wait for me at XX and I'll go with you. What're you wearing right now?"] he asked. At least he's nice.

"A white one piece dress. Oh, you'll know me right away. People say my aniki and I look alike. Thank you, um.."

["Nijimura Shouzo,"] he answered.

I don't know, but I feel like I can trust him..

"I'm Haizaki Shizuka. I'll be waiting for you," I said and hung up while walking to the place he wanted us to meet in.

I wonder what he looks like. I don't even know him, and yet, why do I feel so excited? Is it because of his surname "Niji"?

Rainbow in the Sky (Nijimura Shouzo x OC) *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now