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James: Does it hurt again?

Miracle: Very much.

James: What can I do to make it go away?

(Miracle just stared at James and caressed his cheeks.)

Miracle: (Noticing the box) what's in the box, James?

James: (Getting the box and giving it to Miracle,) open it.

(Miracle opened the box with her trembling hands. When she saw what's inside the box, tears immediately raced down her cheeks. After seeing what's inside, Miracle had a flashback of all the things that happened to her and all the memories that she and James shared. Inside the box was a white and red rose.)

James: Miracle, (tears begins to form in James' eyes,) please stay.

Miracle: As much as I want to James, and you know how badly I want to, I just can't.

James: But Miracle, please, we'll find a way to cure your heart disease, I'll do everything I can,

please, just stay, you promised you'd stay.

Miracle: I can't James. No matter how hard I try, I just can't.

James: Miracle, please, I love you! And not just a friend, I have always loved you. Please stay,

stay and marry me, please Miracle.

Miracle: James, (giving him a letter,) will you read this for me.

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