A whole new state

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A scream pierced the air around Brendon comings from the old house in front of him. The paint faded, peeling off the sides like it had been wasting away for years, finally being pulled back by the vines that climbed the walls and were starting to die from lack of water. Windows stained and cracked, in need of repairs much like the wood plank walls that seemed to cave in with the roof. The black roof with ancient tiles, half of them not even there, seemed to sink into the house, collapsing from its own weight. The house looked like no one had been there for years yet Brendon could hear the screams and cries from where he stood at the rusted metal gate with spikes along it. The overgrown garden, full of weeds and dead plants, was the only thing separating Brendon from that giant house that looked like it could fall apart at any minute. He took a few steps closer, waiting to see if the source of the screaming would suddenly rush out at him. It never did. He stepped onto the creaking porch, it bent from his weight and Brendon feared he may fall through. It stayed in tack and held his weight as he moved to the door. It was a large wooden door, scratched with chunks taken out. He reached for the rusted doorknob, ready to see whatever was screaming behind the door and-

"Brendon! Wake up we're here" his mom called over her shoulder as they drove down the street that supposedly held their new house. Brendon sighed, that dream had been coming ever since his mom announced they were moving, like an omen to NOT move. He'd told his mom about the on multiple occasions but she brushed it off as Brendon being nervous about moving.

She wasn't entirely wrong, Brendon was leaving his best friend behind in Utah while he moved to Nevada. It felt like he would never see Dallon again. He and Dallon has been friends since elementary school and they had been planning on going to the same college when his mom dropped the news. Brendon had never seen Dallon cry harder than the day Brendon left. They promised to call and text as much as possible.

Brendon looked out the window, still trying to shake off that dream, or maybe nightmare was the better word for it, when he saw it. The exact house from the nightmares, the one that had plagued his thoughts even before they were all packed back in Utah. It was right there.

And there was a boy in the attic window.


I know this is a short beginning so I promise they'll get longer as we go on, I'm not good at starts so this felt like the right amount of drama to start off with.

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