Chapter 5

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After Arin found out I had dated other women she was a whole new woman around me. She was always making comments. One day I told her "you suck" and she replied "Very softly. You have to be gentle with girls." Which made me blush fiercely. Arin seemed to enjoy finding ways to make me blush.

"You are way too young to be married!" Arin said to me one day.

"I am though," I said. "and we are very happy."

"You aren't happy." Arin said grinning wickedly.

"I am happy, Arin." I said firmly.

"Just let me have you one time." she said looking into my eyes. "I'll be the best you ever had."

"I don't think so," I said breaking eye contact but smiling widely nonetheless.

"Why not?" she groaned.

"I'm married! Remember?" I looked at her again. "Let's just be friends."

"That's weak." Arin said shaking her head.

"What do you want from me?" I asked exasperated.

"Everything." Arin said simply. "You have no idea how good I would be to you. Does he rub your feet after a hard days work?"

It was a simple question, but it had a complicated answer. "No, he doesn't. Not even when I was pregnant." I don't know why I told her that. I could've just said yes.

"I would be touching you all the time." she said. Arin always looked me straight in the eyes when she spoke to me. It made me feel as if she was reading my soul. I felt like I couldn't  lie to her, so I never did.

"You sure do smile around me a lot." Arin says confidently.

"And?" I ask.

"Does he make you smile this much?" she asked accusingly.

"Yes..." I sigh, "Okay, no. Why do you care?"

Arin shrugged, "Just think you deserve more is all."

The next day we were short handed. So I very casually volunteered to work with Arin that day. We had put her on her own but she was still kind of slow. My manager agreed that was a good idea.

My tummy filled with butterflies as I walked over to her.

"Arin? You get to work with me today." I stated matter of fact like. I was trying desperately not to smile.

"Oh yeah? Whose idea was that?" she asked smiling.

I felt my lips turning up into a grin, but I fought hard against it. "It was Jennifer's idea. She thinks I could help speed you up."

"You do motivate me." she said and I felt her eyes as she looked me up and down.

Meeting Arin (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now