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(Art above is not mine, and is by the amazing @Cason Dean)
Konica believed there was good in everyone. She thought that she herself was a good person, but she supposed that not everyone was perfect. Konica wasn't at all a saint. She didn't do unspeakable things, per say, but she wasn't a goody two shoes. Konica Saywbell was quite an average girl when it came to appearance, with a stature of 5'7 perhaps. She was happy with how she looked, considering the fact she was used to being larger than most of her female acquaintances. She had a pale complexion and an ever focused expression. Often buried in the confines of her beloved diary, she had yet to learn about social interaction. She was hardly a smiley girl. Her eyes were sunken and grey, telling tales of countless nights of ill amounts of sleep, judging from the subtle rings underneath them. They had often been described as naturally sad and she supposed with her antisocial and distant behaviour she could give people the wrong impression. Her hair flowed past her back, straight and sleek, which she was very happy about, brown from the roots, however it faded to blonde the further it fell. Konica leant more towards the more modest approach when it came to fashion, and could often be seen wearing intentionally large sweatshirts and long, ankle length skirts that had people staring at her whenever she would walk down the hall with Kactha. In short, she was extremely academically driven and often put her hand up in class, be it to generally carry out tasks that other students could not be bothered to, or to answer a question. Konica had an answer for everything, and she had embarrassedly noticed that about herself. It got her into situations she had cleverly worded her way out of, and she had certainly made a reputation for herself. But Kactha was always there for her, whenever the world seemed to be against her, anchoring her in the sea of rowdy high schoolers. She was a sweetheart and believed in a happy ending, even if it all seemed hopeless. Konica had to give her credit, she was certainly optimistic. She didn't know how she did it. She was an anxious mess, and it didn't help that tomorrow was the first day of senior year, and she was absolutely dreading it.

Beautiful (Cason Dean X Konica Sawybell)Where stories live. Discover now