chapter one

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Nini guess what?!!!
Anita screamed really hard on the phone i felt like my ear drums were going to bleed..

Anita spill it abeg,you will just call somebody and be shouting please its already very late,you know i don't joke with my sleep and you know am not good with this guessing thing..

Kunle proposed,nini he finally asked me to marry him,i thought this day will never come,six years nini six year and this man finally asked me to marry getting married baby.....hello hello,nini are you there??..

"Okay pause,i don't know why am feeling like this,i mean anita is my best friend,but some how i envy her she has always been there for me since primary school,she's literally my only friend,but i can't believe this is happening,am finally the only person that has not got a man.i tired once though and it didn't end well,that was two hundred level,after anita made me date kunle's best friend,but now kunle has proposed to her and am still here single as ever..
Not that am compiling but if my mother get to hear this news i will not sleep well again till i find a husband,God see me through this....

Niniola job fadare,anita's voice brought me out of my thoughts immediately,that was her angry voice,emm anita sorry i was trying to find myself.

You don't think its a good idea? should i tell him i don't want again,i mean he waited for six years right,he could have done this since we graduated but he didn't,till three years later,maybe I should return it right?.

anita was usually like this when she is too happy or when she has any good news she get really confused and starts saying nonsense,as if she will listen to me if I say she should not aspect the ring.

Anita calm down please,you did not even let me finish,i was going to say it's is an amazing news.

Are you kidding he finally put the ring on it and you want to return the ring,when you are suppose to make duplicate in case the one in you finger get lost.

i laughed really hard and then Anita followed,somehow my laugh made her laugh every time,she says I have a funny laugh.

Okay I will come to your house tomorrow,i need to make my hair can you do it for me please.just do all back please am tired off the hair on my head.

Okay come early please.if afternoon reach am not doing anything again oo..

Thanks dear good night,kunle is going to drop me off already.

Where did you guys go to that he propose to you?.

I told him i wanted to watch movie randomly and he came to pick me at home,when we got to that cinema at jabi mall the guy just knelt down, I was very embarrassed,come and see people,I did not see it coming,not even a sign..

Am really happy,my mum is going to run mad today,i mean she was already praying for me too..

Are you serious,imagine what my mother will do to me if she hears about your engagement..i said in between my laugh..

It's true ooo nini,you need to get out more often,school was your excuse before,but we already have our master degree,you don't have any excuse again,she will prey on you really hard now..

She's my mother anita,am use to it.
Good you

Love you to honey..

I dropped my phone on the bed like it's was a heavy load immediately i heard the beep that signifies call ended.

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