f i f t e e n♡

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word: 1090

every day for the last two weeks, billy had been calling non-stop. dad was pissed, unplugging the phone. i laid in my bed for the beginning of the summer with a broken heart, crying at the thought of billy and what he said about me. i truly did love him, and hearing him say those things to tommy torn my heart into pieces.

"hey" i roll over in my bed, looking at dad who leaned against my doorframe. "someone's here to see you" i sigh, wiping my swollen eyes. i smile and open my arms as the party tackles me to the bed in hugs. will and dustin were attached to my sides, mike on top, lucas on top of him, and max and el were on top of mike and will.

"my god i can't breathe. since when did you guys get so huge? i just saw you a week ago?" i sit up, all of them sitting against the wall, or laying against me. steve walked in, arms crossed with a smile on his face. "i thought you had to work?"

"i wanted to surprise you. we're going to the community pool for a little swim, and you're coming" i smile, wiping my cheeks.

"yeah.. i guess" they all cheer, jumping off my bed, already in their bathing suits. i sit up, steve coming over and kissing my forehead. "it's been 2 weeks since school let out. why do i still hurt?"

"because you actually have feelings, unlike that prick" i look at him, steve huffing. "sorry sorry"

"i think swimming will make me feel better. especially with my favorite people" i smile, steve kissing my cheek and leaving the room so i could change.


my hand was wrapped around steve's biceps as we walked into the pool, the kids throwing all their shit on the chairs and jumping in. i smile, shaking my head. "it's good to see that beautiful smile on your face again"

"i just.. i'm happy with you guys" steve smiles, holding my chin and kissing my cheek slowly. i blush as he pulls away, looking at his lips then his eyes, smiling as he slowly leans in. i look up, gasping as my heart jumps into my throat.

"woah, did i- i didn't mean to make it awk-"

"billy's a fucking lifeguard" steve turns around, pulling his sunglasses down to look at him, billy slowing stopping in his tracks and staring at me and steve. steve pushes up his sunglasses, looking at billy, and then you.

"hey, fuck him. don't let him ruin this day for you, alright?" i look at steve, nodding.

"would you be mad if i told you to kiss me right now to make him jealous?" steve laughs, shaking his head.

"like i said. fuck.. him.." he holds my cheek, pulling me in and kissing me hard. i gasp, leaning forward and falling into his lap. i softly peek out of the corner of my eye, billy sitting in his lifeguard post, sliding his shirt off. he knew i was looking, and wanted me to care. obviously, i did, but i didn't want him to know.

"should we go into the locker room?" i smirk, making steve laugh.

"i'm sure the kids will be fine by themselves" we stand, steve holding my hand. billy watches us as we leave, popping a piece of gum into his mouth.

steve takes me into a shower, pressing me against the wall and kissing me again. it was weird, the feeling inside my stomach. was i feeling something for steve, or was i just horny?

my hand wraps around his wrist, pressing it against my stomach. slowly, his hand inches down, fingertips pushing into my bathing bottoms. through the crack in the curtain i see billy enter, and i moan steve's name on purpose. yep. definitely just horny, and looking for revenge.

"you two can't be in here together" he draws the curtains and steve pulls his hand away, making me whine. i couldn't lie, steve knew what he was doing. and i knew that beforehand, but he got better.

"i'll see you out there" steve kisses me once more before bumping shoulders with billy, closing the door behind him.

"what the hell, princess? you know you're m-"

"i stopped being 'your princess' when you told tommy you just wanted me for a fuck" i tugged the string on his whistle, turning him so he's against the wall. i close the curtain, spinning on my heel. "did that make you feel good?" my hand untied his shorts, his eyes heavy. "did it make you feel good telling tommy you just wanted to see if you could fuck the chief's daughter?" my hand wrapped around his cock, making him hiss and smirk. "do you think... daddy would wanna hear about this?"

billy groaned, licking his lips as he thrusted himself into my hand. i smirked, pulling my hand out. "princess.."

"good to know you still want me" i wink, letting billy be.

"sorry.. was just thinking about mrs. wheeler in her new suit out there" he smirked, making me smile.

"you know she can't please you like i do" i whisper, placing a kiss on the corner of his mouth, leaving him in the bathroom by himself. you walk out, looking at mrs. wheeler as you pass her, snickering as you meet up with steve.

"god that was amazing" i smile, high fiving steve.

"lacey! come in, the water's nice" lucas yelled and i shook my head. "come onn"

steve picked me up by my waist, the kids cheering as he jumped in with me. we rose to the surface, steve laughing as i push his chest.

"oh yeah, haha, so funny" i wipe my face, splashing steve. "and you encouraged it!" i look at the kids, lunging towards them and grabbing lucas and mike, taking them under with me. i laugh under water by accident, quickly coming up and coughing.

"do you need the lifeguard?" steve teased as he patted my back. i glared, splashing him.

"i'm perfectly fine" i smile, giving him a quick kiss and looking at billy before going underwater.



holy shit it's been a fat MINUTE since i've updated!

this chapter may not be that good, i apologize! but expect more chapters in the near future

if i'm not here, i'm on tumblr! @ avenging-fandoms

- b

"princess" // billy hargroveWhere stories live. Discover now