e i g h t

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words: 1624

when the three of us got to the empty lot, dustin and steve were doing something with a bucket full of meat.

"hey! what the hell is happening?" i ask as i drop my bike, max, lucas and i walking towards the two boys.

"don't ask questions and help us put up protection on that bus!" dustin said and i nodded "lucas, i need to talk to you"

the two of them when behind a car and squatted down, and steve, max and i went over to put the protection on the bus.

"are you angry at me?" steve grunted as he pounded the metal on the windows.

"annoyed. not angry" i reply and sigh, picking up a new piece of metal.

"okay.. why?"

"what were you doing to apologize for, steve? for being a nice guy? for loving her? she's got you wrapped around her fingers and you just can't seem to escape. it's annoying" i slammed the nail into the metal "get over it" i growled and got off the bus.

"hey, dickheads! how come the only two helping me are lacey and this random girl? come on, we lose daylight soon" steve yelled at dustin and lucas. the two boys headed over, helping us with the rest of the metal.

and, we lost daylight very soon. i sat next to steve while he played with his lighter. dustin was being a dick to max, and it wasn't cool. she disappeared up to the tip and lucas followed.

"she knows you don't care" steve winked and dustin looked confused.

"why are you winking, steve?" he shrugged and went back to playing with the lighter. dustin sat in the corner and i smacked steve's arm.

"ow!" he whined and rubbed his bicep.

"what did you tell dustin to do?" i whisper yell.

"he likes max. and i told him, you act like you don'y care towards the girl and they'll come running"

"you're an idiot, steve harrington"

he just smiled as i rolled my eyes, a little smirk playing on my lips.

"3 o'clock! 3 o'clock!" lucas yelled and we all stood up, looking out the cracks of the metal sheets, my eyes widening. max comes down and watches as well, and i hold her under my arm.

"he's not taking the bait, why isn't he taking the bait?" steve asks frantically.

"maybe he doesn't like it" i whisper and steve gets up and grabs his bat "steve! steven!"

"stay here and keep the kids safe!" he gets off the bus and my heart pounds so hard i feel as if it's going to fall out of my chest, as i watch steve be the idiot he is.

"he's insane!" max exclaimed.

"he's awesome" dustin gushed and i roll my eyes.

"steve! steve!" lucas yelled.

"little busy here!" he yelled back, swinging his bat.

"10 o'clock!"

they were appearing from everywhere we turn.

"run, steve!" i yelled and he fought the demogorgons, running onto the bus.

"they started to get on, pushing and biting their way in, one looked down from the open top and screeched and i screamed, steve stepped in front of me, but the demogorgon's attention went somewhere else, to a noise.

they disappeared and i fell to the floor, knees to chest, heavy breathing.

"lacey? lacey mae? are you alright?" max shook my shoulder and i shook my head, rocking back and forth.

"princess" // billy hargroveWhere stories live. Discover now