Chapter 1: Dark Days

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Getting downstairs I find that it's empty and I scoff knowing Sae has given up on me and I don't blame her, why save someone who isn't worth saving? Sitting on my usual spot on my couch, I watch the clock on the wall tick by and it makes my eyes grow heavy, the lack of sleep getting to me but where my sleep is, my nightmares aren't far behind and like always I dream of every death, every life that was taken, reminding me of what I've caused just by living in this world.

My screams don't wake me, more so someone shaking me and my eyes shoot open and I crawl away from the person, I look to see that it's Peeta again, he looks concerned as I look at him quizzingly, like he's just a hallucination, a sick trick that my mind is playing on me. He reaches for something in a paper bag by his feet and pulls out a bun but not any normal one, a cheese bun, my favourite of his but I don't give in I only hold my legs to my chest

"Come on, Katniss. Sae told me about your eating habits" he says, extending the roll but I still don't take it

"Just eat it, for me. Please" he pleads, I look in his eyes and see hope... it's enough for me to realise the sound of my stomach and I take the roll from his hand and eat it like it's the last piece of food in the world

"Want another?" He chuckles and I take a second one and eat it just as fast, he gives me the bag so I can eat the extra two that's left, he gets up and leaves the sitting room. I finish eating but I'm also confused because I never heard him leave my house. I don't understand why he's trying to keep me alive, there's no point because the longer that I'm alive, the more people will get hurt, Boggs was wrong when he said I deserved to live a long life because I don't, I have no one that cares for me so why should I keep on living a life that will just bring grief and loneliness.

I hear some rummaging around and I get up to see what's going on. As I walk into the kitchen I see Peeta putting foods in cabinets and in my cooler, I look at him weirdly because a couple of months ago he would've wanted to kill me but here he is stocking up my house with food. He stops what he's doing to look at me with a look that seems so familiar but I can't figure it out, he notices my look and he sighs

"I was talking to Sae and she told me you weren't getting the train stock up with food. I went today and got yours and Haymitchs stock" he says

"Why are you here, Peeta? You've got no reason to be here" I frown

"I... I finished my treatment in the Capitol. I know you're probably not happy that I'm back. Nowhere else will feel like home, this feels like home, my family died here and so this is my way of being close to them. Besides, you and Haymitch were the last inch of closeness that I have left" he replies, I immediately feel bad, I walk over and hug him hoping that he knows that he's welcome to stay

"Thank you... for the primroses" I mumble against his chest

"It's the least I could do for you. I know the least you'd want is pity" he replies and I nod my head as we break away from our embrace

"Well, I really don't want to leave but I need to check up on Haymitch. Are you going to be okay by yourself for a little bit?" He asks, I have been alone for months now... I think I'll be fine, I just nod at him and he hugs me once more before leaving my house. Sitting on the couch I try to process Peetas reason why he's back here and I realise that he's family is gone, everyone he ever loved has died but I'm confused on why that makes him stay, if I could leave here I would but I know that none of the other districts would welcome me.

The day goes by and soon night comes and I'm still sitting in the same spot on the couch, Buttercup napping beside me. I'm not that surprised when Peeta walks in through the door, he gives me a small smile before going into my kitchen, by now Buttercup has awoken and he looks at me as if commanding me to leave but I just turn my head from him, he hisses at me before jumping down and leaving the room. I look down at my wrist, the big ugly scar from Johanna cutting my tracker out sits there, mocking me, so do the slight burn marks, who could ever love someone like me? I'm far from normal and I guess that's what lead to everyone leaving me to rot by myself.

Piece By Piece {Completed}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant