Chapter~8~ PLANS

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Jacob POV

As i walked home pissed thinking about what that ass hole told me a car pulled.

Ray: Jay get in.

Jacob: Nahh im good im walking home.

Ray: what did Chres do to you.

Jacob: Nothing i just got a lot on my mind.

Ray: Are you sure you wanna walk all the way to Queens at this time of night.

Jacob: Yea.

Ray: Are you sure.

Jacob: No(walks to the car and gets in).

(Ray drive Jacob home and them drives home to his house.)

Jacob: Ugh why is my life such a screw up man, i guess thats what i get for sleep with a ass hole who just wanted me for sex.

Chresanto POV

Man i fucked up big time with Jacob, like i would'nt get back with me either if i said those horrible things, i really gotta make it up to him, i'll do what ever it takes to get him back because i love him, yea i love him, fuck that im in love with, starting tommorow im gonna start my plan by buying him ticket to see OMG tommorow at beacon theater since he loves them so much, i go online and buy him front row tickets,i had them mailed buy the morning on express,  then i take a showerand get in the bed, then my next plan is get him to with me on a date.

Jacob POV
I wake up brush my teeth and then hop in the shower and then get out and walk into the kitchen to get some thing to eat, as i walk out the kitchen to go check the mail as i checking the mail i get a letter from ticket master with a ticket to see OMG today at beacon theater, i jump up and down that all the old people in the hallway checking the mall stop and look, i took the mall and went back inside, ugh noisy as people,but my question is who sent them, well guess what i don't care im going to see OMG and thats all that matters, so go in my room and put on black booty shorts, with flora strip jersey, with my jordan 12s then head out the door, i hop on the train and take it to manhatten, i get off and walk across the street to beacon theater and its packed ass hell, i look and see Gina and Tiasia in line.

Tiasia: Hey Jacob what you doing here.

Jacob: I came to see OMG just like everbody else.

Gina: Oh us too, we got front row seat.

Jacob:me too, aye we next to each other.

Tiasia: Yessss.

Aliza POV

Ok im not stuiped and Chresanto is stuiped he knows im cheating but acting like im not,right now im with ray makeing out, because he's the one i been cheating with duh,so what i never wanted to men a the same time, heyy why can't i have them both?

Ray: Baby why don't you come clean and tell him that you don't wanna be with him.

Aliza: Because one i need the money, two when we get ima divorce him and wip him clean.

Ray: Oh good plan, anyways lets get to the loving.

Meanwhile with Jacob,Gina, and Tiasia

BEST FRIENDS MAN (ROYCE)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora