Chapter 2

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It was now 7:00pm, Farrah and I were getting ready to go clubbing *insert smiley face*

I went to my bathroom and took a shower,


shaving and the rest,

don't really need to tell you how to take a shower ;)

Once I got out the shower I went back into my room and dried my long blonde hair,

After that, I did some light makeup for the night ahead,




cat wing(eyeliner) and mascara.

Not forgetting about my beautiful outfit Farrah got me. And we were off the club.......................

We got out of the taxi and walked up to 'maddness' the club.

Showing our ID and passes to the security, we were in.

As I walked through the double doors all I could hear was the blaring music and small chatter of people inside the venue.

"I'll get us some drinks!" I shouted over to Farrah, as she got us a booth.

"Vodka and coke thanks" she replied.

I walked over to the bar and ordered two vodka and cokes.

As I was waiting for the drinks, my eyes were met with a brown haired, green eyed man, he looked about my age and was obviously waiting for his drink.

"Hi" green eyes said to me.

"Hey" I replied.

"I'm Nathan" now I know green eyes, I mean, Nathan's name.

"Evie, nice to meet you" I said with a smile.

"You come here often evie?" Nathan quizzed.

"First time, it's my birthday, I'm here with my friend Farrah, you?"

"Happy birthday and no first time too, I'm here with my friend Max"

"Oh... We've got a booth if you want to sit with us?" I asked

"That would be..." He was cut off by the bartender.

"Two vodka and cokes?"

"That's me thank you." I handed the money over and grabbed the drinks.

"Sorry what were you saying Nathan?"

"I said that would be nice" he smiled and we both giggled.

"Well come on then" and I led him to our booth.

As me and Nath were walking over to the booth I noticed Farrah was with a man, his head was shaven and he was quite cute.

"Oh eve, this is Max he's from Manchester and is 21" Farrah informed me

"Hi, Evie if you didn't already know" a said to Max and shook his hand.

" I see you've bumped into Nathan my babes" Max said bear hugging Nathan

" yeh we got talking at the bar and I invited him and you to sit with us, if you want?" I asked

" that's great, thank you, me and Farrah were just talking as well!" He told me

Me and Nathan sat down and started chatting.

"So Evie how old are you today then?" Nathan asked

"20, how old are you?" I asked

" I turned 20 last month" he informed me

"That's nice, did you have a good birthday?"

"Yes thanks it was good!"

"Are you having a nice birthday?" Nath asked

"Yeh, one of the best!" I exclaimed

"Good, ermm... Evie?"

"Yes Nathan?" I asked

" would you err... like to... err dance with me?" He asked unsure

" I'd love to!" We got up and Nathan took my hand and led me to the dance floor.


Hey, I thought I would finally update, even though I said I wouldn't(lol), but I hope you like it and I will try and update it soon if I can!!

Tell me what you think in the comments!! Thanks my loves xxx Evie💖

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2014 ⏰

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