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"Joel, you have to go. It's good for you and it'll benefit you in the end."

"Mum, I don't need anything. I'm 28 years old, I don't need you to tell me what to do. You know I hate people."

"Please go. For me."

Joel stayed silent on his end of the phone and rubbed his temples with his eyes closed. "Okay, fine, I'll go. But you have to schedule the appointment."

"This is what I mean, Joel, you have to build up your confidence so that you can talk to people. And how do you do that? You schedule your own appointment. I expect a call soon about how it went. I love you, goodbye!" She hung up and left Joel on his own.

"Fuck." Joel rubbed his tired and restless eyes. After taking another drink of his coffee, he picked up his phone shakily and rang a number to a therapy center he found online.

The receptionist picked up quickly and began talking, "Hello, my name is Emily, how are you doing today?"

Joel paused and took a deep, refreshing breath before speaking, "I'm g-good. M-my name is J-Joel, and I need to m-make an appointment."

"Okay, when would you like to come in? I have an opening for tomorrow at 1PM-"

"I'll take the one tom-morrow," Joel cut her off, eager to get off the phone. "Thank you."

"That's okay, I'll see you tomorrow at one! Have a nice day."

"Yeah," Joel finished the conversation awkwardly and hung up his phone, shortly after crashing on his couch. His anxiety was really bad that day and he had barely any idea on how to rid himself of it.

Despite having years and years of experience with anxiety, he hadn't any coping mechanisms. He never tried drinking because he saw what his mother and father went through when he was a young child. They were both alcoholics and Joel was always afraid of picking up the horrible trait.

Besides, his parents were always too busy drinking to pay little to any attention to him and his sister anyway, so Joel was always stuck taking care of her. Joel didn't care much that he was her babysitter, though, he and his sister were and are best friends.

As Joel's anxieties grew harsher and harsher, he learned that it was okay to lean on his sister for once. He learned that it was okay to not be okay once in a while. He always felt as if he were a burden to his sister, which is why he rarely called her when he had anxiety attacks or panic attacks.

Joel decided it a good idea to call his sister and tell her that he was going to a therapist. He knew she would be supportive of his every choice. He picked up his phone and rang Chanel, almost immediately getting the answer he wanted.

"Hey, Joel, how are you?" Her voice was sweet and low, as it always was.

"I'm great, love, just got a bit of anxiety, that's all. How are you?" Joel pushed his glasses back up to the top of his nose.

"I'm well. What are you anxious about?"

"Mum pressured me into making an appointment for therapy tomorrow at one."

"Oh, that must suck for you. I'm sure she only means well, Joel, after all you are her son. I think it's a good idea, honestly. Maybe we could finally get rid of your anxiety or at least partially."

"You're right. I'd better start looking at things in a lighter, more optimistic way if I want to get myself better." Joel smiled, the light tones of his sister's voice making everything seem fine for once.

"I just want you to know that no matter what happens, I'll always be here for you. If therapy isn't your thing, you know to call me and I'll pick up as quickly as I possibly can. I love you, Joel, don't forget that."

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