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"BOO!!" I closed my eyes, screamed like an idiot and punched the thing in the shoulder. As I stood scared af, I heard laughing. I opened my eyes to find Noah holding a clowm mask in his hand laughing his butt off. I frowned and punched him on the shoulder again. He put his hands up in defence but, was still laughing hard. I stood there waiting for him to stop. Once he stopped he looked at my dead serious face and tried to put on a straight face.
"Sorry Princess but I just had to." I sighed,
"Fine whatever. What are you doing here?" I asked so done with his childishness although I was just as childish.
"Do you want to go eat some Lunch with me?" He asked with his most charming and cutest smile. How could I say no to that face?
"Okay fine. How about downstairs in the lobby? I heard they have good food there."

"Okay fine. How about downstairs in the lobby? I heard they have good food there" My smile suddenly dissappeared and I tensed up. What if Brooklyn's there? I can't bare to tell Leah that she's here after all that crazy girl did to her!
"How about we go to John's instead? I heard they have real good milkshakes and burgers!" I faked a smile. She looked at me confused.
"Isn't that like 15 minutes from here?"
"Yeah but, I really want to eat there with you.." The futhur away we are the less chance we'll see Brooklyn I thought in my head. She sighs,
"Fine only for you though!" I smiled and pecked her cheek.
"Let's go! I'll ask Blake to drive us!" I grabbed her hand and tugged her towards the elevator.
"Hold your horses! I have to go grab my purse and get dressed first silly!" I stop and let her go and get ready. As I waited outside her room I looked all around the hotel making sure Brooklyn wasn't going to see us and try to follow us.

As I closed the door, I sighed Why was Noah acting so strange? Maybe he fell in love with his co-star? No, he could have cause she isn't even here! What if Brooklyn was here? No way.. She could never be here.
"I don't need your apology Brooklyn. We're not friends anymore." I said hoping she would go away.
"Yes we are.. You know I didn't mean anything I said." She replied. Oh god she sounded so fake.
"I don't care- just leave me alone. i have to get ready for Friday." I said impatiantly.
"Why?" She asked.
"Because I'm leaving to go to Pennsylvania in two days and I'm going to audition for a movie.", I explained while slowly and gently pushing her towards the door.
"A movie? Pftt! Yeah like you would get the part.", she said laughing.
"At least my boyfriend cares enough about me to buy me a plane ticket and get his director to let me audition for a movie." I said getting even more annoyed.
"Your boyfriend? Oh please don't tell me you're dating Noah- how pathetic", she said while snorting.
"Why are you even here? I know that your 'apology' was fake. Did you run out of boys to date that you got bored with your life and decided that ruining mine could be fun?" I asked.
"Yes. But fine then- jokes on you cause I don't care wether we're friends or not", she replied suprised that I talked back to her. I just looked at her weirdly, rolled my eyes and shut the door on her. Ugh what did I do to deserve her? She's so rude and mean to me even though I haven't done anything to her. And heck! She even got a more perfect life then me. Super rich, big house and everything else rich spoiled kids get. Ugh I am SO done with her.
I fixed my hair one last time before leaving my room. Before I could open the door I heard a ding come from my phone. I grabbed it out of my pocket and read the message.
{Hey there 'Princess'}
[What do you want Brooklyn?]
{Just wanted to say that
you should watch your back}
{You may think Noah 'loves
you' but would he let the
paparassi see you, a poor
ugly random girl, with
him?? Huh? Tell me has
he gone public about
your relationship yet?}
[no but.. I trust Noah.]
[And I definently DONT trust YOU.]
{Oh but you wait and see.
I WILL get revenge.}

I shoved my phone back into my pocket. Ugh that girl is actual crazy. But, what if she's right? No she can't be. Noah does love me and I love and trust him too. As I walked out I tapped Noah on the back and for some odd reason he flinched and looked at me in suprise but, then when he realises it's just me he smiles.
"You ready Princess?" Noah bowed and extended his hand. I laughed and blushed.
"Why of course I am dear." I replied in a very fake Queen of England accent. We both giggle as we walk into the elevator. See nothing to be worried about I told myself.

When we reached the lobby Noah stepped in front of me and took a peek at the lobby before we went out.
"What's wrong Noah?" I was worried that maybe Brooklyn was right. He looked at me and replied a simple,
"Aha well I'm just making sure we don't get caught by the paparassi." He rubbed his neck and smiled akwardly. I felt my heart ache a little. Does that mean he doesn't want to be seen with me? Of course he doesn't. I'm an ugly poor random girl.. Just like Brooklyn said.. Suddenly before a tear could escape my eye, Blake appeared in front of us.
"Hey you are you two ready to go?" I wiped my face and smiled.
"Yeah I'm ready." We both replied.
As we went into the car I sat at the front instead of with Noah.

As we were about to go into the car I notice Leah opening the front door seat instead of being in the back with me. I feel a sudden jolt of panic surge through me. What if she saw Brooklyn? Or if Brooklyn said something to her?
"Hey why don't you want to sit at the back with me?" I asked her while touching her shoulder. She looked at me with a small smile,
"No thanks I want to sit at front cause I'm feeling a bit sick." She shook my hand off her shoulder and sat in the front. I felt my heart ache at the fact she was ignoring me..

Okay so that's all for this chapter folks! Hope you enjoyed it! -Faye

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