How to Clear Print Queue on Windows for HP Printer?

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There are just times when a print job stuck in the print queue which prevents the users to continue printing. The print job may get stuck when trying to take printouts on HP printer. So, it is necessary to troubleshoot print queue issue as sooner as possible. Until and unless the users do not fix this issue, their work will be on pending. Therefore, if anyone is not sufficient to deal with this issue, he/she has to avail HP Support services hassle-freely. One of tech-savvy will help them out with efficiency or accuracy.

 One of tech-savvy will help them out with efficiency or accuracy

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If one is using HP Printer, here's what that person should do to cancel print queue. If print jobs are stuck in the print spooler, need not to cancel it manually. Here, the experts have mentioned all the possible ways of exterminating this print spooler issue. Hence, keep on reading this article post till the end of the page.

Steps to Clear Print Queue on Windows for HP Printer

Follow the below-written procedure one by one carefully if you are keen to cope-up this hurdle. Take a brief look at those mentioned points:

· The Easiest and Effortless Way to Clear the Print Queue

1. Look for the printer icon in your system and then double-click on it to view pending printer jobs

2. Now, click "Printer" menu and then click "Clear All Documents" to clear the print queue

If this above method is not helpful for you, then jump to the next one that is given below.

· Clear Print Queue Via Devices & Printers

1. First of all, open computer and then go to "START" button

2. After that, search for "Control Panel" in your operating system and then press on it

3. Now, Click on "Devices and Printers"

4. Select the printer that has stuck print job

5. A window with the list of print jobs will appear

6. Select the print job you would like to delete

7. Right click to open drop down and then choose "Cancel Document"

If the above method is not also solved the issue, then follow another method.

· Clear The Print Queue Via Settings App

Follow one by one process carefully as it can fix your problem

1. Open "Control Panel" first and then double click on "Administrative Tools"

2. Click on "Services" app to open the list of services

3. Scroll down and select "Print Spooler"

4. Right click to open drop down. First, click on "Stop" to stop the print queue. Take a few minute and then right click on the "Print Spooler" again and click "Start"

5. Open "Devices and Printers" on Control Panel and then select your printer.

6. Make sure the print queue is empty

If you are still encountering the print job, then just restart your computer. Once the computer restarted, open print queue again. The list should be empty. Run test print. Moreover, you can contact HP Support Phone Number to get help from our dexterous techies. They are qualified and extra-talented so your problem will be sorted out within a pinch.

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