James pursed his lips and took a small screen from the holoboard. "You can go do that."

"Aw," Jon drawled. "Did he hurt your feelings? Yelling is just... you know, when you're in a big city, you get used to it."

James lifted his head from his new timetable, while Rayan continued to twitch in front of the holoboard while students gathered around in a swallowing body. "Not... really?" He switched his attention to Ava, who sped from the corridor holding the teacher's offices. "Besides, I think Ava's got this handled." His twin sister, always on top of things, rushed straight to Rayan's side as if missile-targeted by a hidden teacher. He grinned when she slid to a stop in front of Rayan, waving a hand, causing Rayan to leap.

"Wow, I think she can set a new record."

"Let's just get to the homeroom. You in Block A?" James held up his timetable, where his locker number took a small corner on the left side. Same as all previous Quads.

"Yep. Professor Yava again?" Jon huffed. "I better be on my best behavior... I don't want to be forced to make up horrible Starcross plays. All because I missed a week of homework, James. It was cruel and unusual punishment. I had nightmares about us doing those plays..." He shuddered as they walked past Rayan and Ava, who listened to his twin's clear-cut instructions with her happy-to-help go-getter energy. James met his gaze, causing Ava to twist to him.


Oh shit.

Ava grabbed onto his arm, and he grabbed onto Jon's who squeaked.

"We've got a new student," she said with a showy wave at Rayan, who shrank into his shoulders, where his autumn coloured eyes swept down to his feet. "Rayan Falae! He just—"

"Came here from Kestra, Odaport," James finished for her.

"We've met," Jon said with a click of his tongue. "How're you doing, Rayan? Still have your head?"

"Er..." Rayan rubbed his hand through his black hair, clutching at clumps as he eyed him, and James raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, I still have it."

Ava set her hands in her forearms and glared at James. "You didn't tell me you already ran into him last night."

"I wouldn't say we ran into him," James told her as Rayan studied him. "More like someone pitched a foul—"

"I'm a goalie, not a pitcher."

James shrugged at Jon.

"Anyway," Ava switched topics with a snapping lightning bolt. "I'd be happy to guide you around until you get your bearings." Her head swiveled to James and Jon. "I'm sure these two would be happy to help as well if you have questions! Right?" Ava leaned closer to him, staring at him. "We wouldn't want to make anyone feel unwelcome in school."

"Why are you staring at me like that?" James asked.

Ava drew back with a wide grin at Rayan, who echoed her expression with palpable relief on his cheeks. "So, that's what I'm here for," she said. "As I said, I'm Ava Ranier, Class President of Block A this Quad." Her chest puffed out in confidence. "Anything you need, let me know!"

Rayan smiled. "I'll keep that in mind, Ava, thanks for the welcome — and helping me figure out these holoboards."

"Perfect!" Ava clapped her hands together before turning to them. "I'll see you two in homeroom. I have to go give him a complimentary tour of our school facilities. Our school may be small, but we have something for every student to learn and succeed."

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