Fun Ghoul and Kobra Kid

Start from the beginning

Mikey went back to his own room. Took the photo of with Gee out of the frame, and put it in his pocket.
"You know what?" He told himself. "Go out. Risk it. Why the fuck not?"
He found an oversized black hoodie and put it on over top the jacket so people wouldn't see it. He headed to the elevator and went to the ground floor.


"Hey! Get back here!" The guard yelled. He chased him through the hall of 'quarters' as they called them, though gilded cell or even cage was a better name for the sleeping places of the teenagers held there. All of them looked through the little gaps in the doors, cheering on the chase in the hall.
"Run Frankie!"
"Damn you're crazy dude!"
"You're gonna die emo!"
"You won't make it you're too short!"
These were yelled at the guy with messy black hair that hadn't been cut in over a year and hazel eyes filled with sprite dashing away at great pace and being chased by a guard, or 'floor manager,'as they would call it.
"I'm 5'6 asshole!" He yelled back before reaching the end of the corridor.

The guard nearly grabbed him before he dove into the elevator.
"You're gonna regret this Frank Iero!" He yelled. Frank snarkily grinned back as the doors closed and the elevator lowered.

The elevator beeped when it reached the ground floor. Frank grabbed the fire extinguisher as a weapon, stabbed it with the knife kept in the elevator for cutting through the doors, and throwing it into the reception.
Then, he made a run for it. The doors slid open and he ran out to the city, followed by a team of furious authority members.
He turned into a car yard. Everyone all ran past him.
Frank was clear.
He lay underneath car waiting for the people chasing him to lose the scent. He could hardly believe it. He'd made it into the city.
The six years spent in the Juvie halls were behind him. No longer a Ritalin Rat. No longer stuck in the Juvie halls.

Rolling out from under the car, Frank ran into an alley and hid behind a dumpster to ponder his final escape. He leaned his head against the wall when the  nausea came back.
"Fuck not again." His eyelids felt heavy and try as he might, he closed them.

He lay on the ground. A group of people stood around him. One knelt down beside him.
"Frank?" He shook him slightly. "Frankie it's Kai. Can you hear me?"
He turned his head, everything was so foggy. He tried his very hardest to focus on Kai.
"You overdosed again Frankie." He told him, carrying him in his arms back inside. "Hold on."

Frank's eyes snapped open. He was still behind the dumpster.
Most of the nausea had passed. He slowly poked his head up. The street was still empty, he sighed in relief. It seemed as if not much more than ten minutes had passed. No one had seen him.

He found a black coat and decided it covered his yellow sleeves and tattoos sufficiently. Frank got a lot of his tattoos from his time in a freedom fighter gang before he was sentenced to the Juvie Halls. Over the years he and his friends had covered him from neck to toe in ink.

He went to the busier streets as he got further away from the correctional facility complex in the centre of the city.

Battery city wasn't the image you'd expect of a city, full of diversity and culture with the smell of nice food everywhere you went. It was cold and harsh. People walked past in bland clothing, everything regulation, uniform, conforming to the corperate machine.
He saw many signs asking if he'd smiled for BLI today. He snorted. The signs asked if he'd remembered to take his meds.
"Fuck you." He said to the sign. The monochromatic smiley face company logo smiled back. Frank glared.

"On today's wanted list." The billboard blared. "Juvie hall escapist Frank Iero-."
"Shit I'd better run" he said under his breath, making his way to the backstreets.

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