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Bradley stared at the ceiling, he couldn't fall asleep. Not with his racing mind. His mind always ran and when it stopped, it was only for a split second. Lately, whenever he fell asleep he's been waking up after three or four hours and unable to go back to sleep for almost twenty-four hours. Exhaustion claimed him and as soon as school was over, he would go home and crawl beneath the covers, only to binge watch his favourite tv shows and movies.

He had no motivation and no energy most of the time. He didn't care about pleasing his parents or his grades he wanted somebody to hold him and make everything go away.

He wanted a fresh start, where he could be happy and not have to fake his happiness. He wanted to smile, laugh and enjoy life. He didn't want to be stressed out over school or his crush, he wanted to be free.

Free from everything and everyone. He wanted to be in outer space where it was just him, the stars and the planets. In a way, where he could finally be at peace.

But did he deserve peace? Most religious people in his town think not. They would think he needed to pay for his sins for being gay. I mean there's no way anybody could control their sexuality but they seem to think people can.

Bradley sighed. His mind wandered in ways in which it should, then shouldn't. He would think of bunnies then g he would think about people getting murdered. He really was fucked up in the head just like many people told him when they found out he was gay. Some people even called him a man whore when they found out.

He guessed they all assumed that he slept with a guy just to try it and loved it or something. But in reality, Bradley hasn't even had his first kiss yet. He doesn't just want to give his first kiss or virginity to anyone he wants to give it to someone who cares for him. Someone that will love him and cherish those memories. Instead of only remembering parts because they were drunk or their need to score.. Bradley just wanted to be loved like most people in the world but he was too scared to go out and try to find it. He lived in constant fear he'll be used and then thrown away. Like he's just a piece of garbage.

Tears streamed down Bradley's face, at the thought. He curled into a ball hiding his face beneath the blankets. "Why can't somebody love me?" He asked in a whisper.

When the sun had risen a couple hours later, Bradley woke in fright as his mum pounded harshly on his door "yes," he called out rather tiredly.

"Our new neighbours are coming over in an hour so take a shower and get dressed." Bradley sighed. He wanted to stay beneath the warm covers. Still, he laid in bed and watched Supernatural for the next forty minutes in peace, before his mum knocked on the door "they're going to be here in twenty minutes, sweetheart."

His mum fled down the hall. Quickly, Bradley moved to his closet and grabbed an assortment of random clothes. After a five minute shower, he dried himself and styled his hair. Sighing at last, he recognised a glow that returned to his features. A glow that complimented the blue and black flannel he wore with black skinny jeans, his favourite necklace and a pair of black Adidas.

Bradley turned off his tv before slowly making his way downstairs. He heard laughter and people talking. All he wanted to do was run back into his room and hide. As he descended the last step, he heard his mum say, "oh this is my son Bradley." He looked up from the floor and saw a brunette woman with green eyes and a delicate form.

She smiled at him, "it's nice to meet you Bradley my name's Kathrine," she pointed to Bradley's left, "and that's my son Sebastian."

I looked over to where she pointed and sure enough to his dismay; it was not some random other kid named Sebastian. It was his crush who looked over at Bradley and his eyes widened.

"Well, Kathrine and I are going to go sit out by the pool. Why don't you two get to know each other?" Bradley looked over at his mum.

She knew how socially awkward he is but thankfully she doesn't know about his crush on him. He gave her begging eyes hoping that she wouldn't leave him alone with Sebastian or at least let him go back to hibernating in his room.

But she smiled, and they both walked outside closing the sliding door behind them. Leaving Bradley and Sebastian alone together. Bradley wished his sister Natalie was here, but she's twenty-two and is in college thousands of miles away.

"They set this up didn't they?" Sebastian asked.

Bradley looked at him and quietly said, "probably."

Bradley didn't dare look into Sebastian's eyes knowing damn well he would get lost in them.

Sebastian chuckled, "you really are something you know that."


Author Note: I wrote around two hundred words yesterday then got bored and just wrote the rest of this between 7-8 in the morning.

This chapter is slightly shorter than the first one but I just felt like this would have been the perfect place to end the chapter.

This chapter (the actual chapter I don't count the author's note) is in the 930 words range maybe little higher I don't remember exactly.

I kept writing I and my then having to go back and change it to him, his and Bradley...

Anyways here's to me actually updating this book twice in one week.

How are you guys liking the story so far?

I know it can be better but I'm not the best at editing.

Anyways I hope you have an amazing day.

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~xox Ashton

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