Chapter 4

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Sean's P.O.V

I stood in the middle of my father’s study waiting for him to speak. I was told to come here as soon as I walked through the doors, now I am waiting for his wrath to come down on me and all hell to break loose. My palms were sweating, I was fidgeting and my eyes were darting all over the room; I was nervous and a bit scared. Last time his reaction wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be but defying him twice in a row…that would be enough to piss anyone off. 

“I thought that after the last time I spoke to you, you wouldn’t have defied me again, Sean. I thought that I could trust you to just serve you punishment for the required time. Why did you leave this house at this time of night, when you’re grounded, to go and socialize with vampires?” He said calmly. He always used this calm tone when he’s furious. 

“Dad, I…Uhm…Well…” I stuttered, I don’t really know what to say that won't get me in deeper shit than im already in now. I hung my head and sighed “I’m sorry, dad”

“Sorry? You’re sorry, Sean?” he got up and walked over to me. He grabbed my face roughly and forced me to look up at him. I looked straight into his eyes and saw anger burning in his eyes. “For goodness sake Sean, you snuck out to go and ‘chill’ with vampires? Fucking vampires Sean!” he raised his voice “Those creatures could have killed you and your entire crew Sean! And we wouldn’t have been able to do anything about it because YOU were on THEIR land!” 

“Dad, I wasn-”

“You were on their land! Why? Tell me why you would risk your life and other people’s lives like that? Sean, you have a family and an entire race to think of! You are the next Alpha wolf! Do you know what that means?! Do you even care?” he shouted. 

I stared at him slightly scared of what he was going to do to me. He sighed and let go of my face, after which he walked to one of the seats by the fire place. He always says that the fire calms him down when he is angry; lets hope it works. I didn’t move; I just stood in the same place not wanting to infuriate him further.

“I do know what it means dad. And I do care about that; I care about our family and our race. I know that I defied you and I’m sorry. I really am; I know I should have thought about that before I left and I won't do that again. I promise.” I said softly. 

“Come and sit with me, Sean.” he instructed. At least he was calm now. “Apology accepted but tell me why you keep getting caught with those creatures? It can compromise your position and image to our people.”

I walked over to the big leather seat that sat near the fireplace which was the same one that was in this house since it was built. It was a really beautiful room with antique furniture and amazing art. All our family history was in this room. It held memories and dreams of every single Corson and Alpha wolf.

“Dad, they always do it to us and if we let it go they will think that we are afraid of them. Especially that Zeus Brinley; he is so cocky and he just gets on my nerves. He thinks that he is the gods gift to the world. Its not that I actually want to chill with them, they are stupid creatures who need to know their place in our lives.” I said frowning.

My dad laughed at me “Wow, that is so immature. You do it to him too, Sean" He chuckled again before sighing. "…Every time you step foot on that land you are risking your life and for a childish game.”

“Anyway, Vestec wants to see us tomorrow at 9am. She said it’s a matter of high importance and must be dealt with immediately. Now get to bed so that you can be fully awake when we go there." he went silent for a while.  "I’m extending your grounding to 1 month. And next time you  dare defy me I will put you in the cage when you are fully transformed. Understand?”

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