"I think it will be great," he said with a smile. "Daddy's teaching grades a lot higher than you will be; so I won't see you very often; but I'll always be around if you need me," he smiled at his little girl whose mind had already moved onto a new topic, based on the excitement on her face. Her eyes were huge and her lips making a perfect circle while she thought, and then spoke her thoughts;

"We have to go," she said, gesturing her tiny head towards the wall clock.

"Oh, God," Ezra panicked as he grabbed Lily up by her waist, and held her like a plank of wood next to his waist as she laughed uncontrollably.

"Daaaaddd! Put-me-down," she complained in between her laughter as he carried her up the stairs in this way. They walked a little way up the hall of their second story as Lily continued to laugh, before they paused outside a closed door.

"Aria, time for our girl's big day! And uhh.. we're running late" he said as he knocked once on Aria's study door.

"Coming," she shouted back as she threw the door open not 3 seconds later.

"I thought you were going to get me with 20 minutes notice; so we were on time," she scowled at Ezra before breaking into a huge smile. "It's fine, we'll get her there," she replied succinctly and sweetly before giving him a quick peck on the lips. His hand that wasn't holding Lily came behind Aria's brunette hair softly holding her there during their kiss. In the meantime, Lily managed to manoeuvre herself in Ezra's arms so she was clinging to his side like a koala; no longer like a plank of wood like earlier. As Aria pulled away, Ezra turned to meet Lily's eyes that were level with him now. He smiled as her mischievous smile shone, recognising what she had managed to navigate while he was distracted. He tapped her back then helped her to the ground.

"Right miss, go and get your bag. We'll meet you at the car," Aria told Lily who immediately went running off to her room. Ezra locked his hand in Aria's as they began to descend their staircase.

"So, that went fast, didn't it?" Aria sighed, talking about Lily's growing up.

"I know. But they've been wonderful days so far, and they will continue to be as she grows. Even if they're going faster than we'd like," he smiled as he kissed her hair while they continued down the stairs.

"I'm nervous," Lily said as she stood at the front gate of the kinder.

"You'll be fine, and mummy and daddy will be back in just a few hours to come and get you," Ezra while he was crouched next to Lily, so their eyes were level. Aria was holding Lily's other hand and standing next to her, yet bending down so they could talk.

"You're going to make so many new friends hon. Go on, in you go," Aria said encouragingly as she tapped her daughter on the bottom giving her a slight push. Lily took the hint and took a few steps forward. Without turning back, the expression on her face changed to confidence and determination to do this well. She then turned back and smiled.

"Bye," she said, before she ran into the building. Aria and Ezra could see through the windows that she had met the teacher, who already had met Lily and knew who she was a few days earlier.

"Quick," Ezra said as he grabbed Aria's waist dramatically.

"What?" Aria asked in alarm.

"We have the house to ourselves for 4 hours. 4 hours we don't have tiny ears listening, and understanding a slightly nerve rackingly high amount of what we say," he said, obviously a little nervous of their daughter's already evident intelligence and advancement for her age.

"Well, she's got smart parents," Aria said unashamedly, while her hands came up lovingly to Ezra's cheek. He closed his eyes as she rubbed his cheeks, before he kissed the fingertips of one of her hands.

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