chapter 7

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Ezra held Aria close to him, as she held him too while they kissed goodbye. Though neither wanted Aria to leave, both had full days tomorrow, and they had only just met; she had to head home.

They broke off their kiss as Ezra whispered against her lips "I don't want you to go."

"I know, I don't want to go either, but I have to Ezra. I.." she breathed as his mouth returned to hers, cutting off her sentence. The electricity was jumping between them as they deepened the kiss. Their lips picked up momentum as their bodies moulded together perfectly. Ezra's hands started moving about her lower back as her arms moved to around his neck. They stayed like that for a few more minutes before Aria broke away, "No, no, I have to go," she said before giving him a final lingering kiss on the cheek.

"Call me tomorrow?" Ezra asked.

"Of course I will, bye," she said as she turned the corner and returned home.

Aria entered the front door of Ella's apartment to find Ella sitting on the couch, only a lamp on next to her, glaring angrily at Aria.

"It's almost 2am on Monday morning, and you're just getting home. Start talking. Now!" Ella bellowed loud enough to wake up the entire apartment building, and the one next door Aria was sure.

Aria thought quickly on her feet "Spencer was having a crisis, mum. Her father just bailed and she needed my company. I'm sorry I didn't call you, but honestly, you weren't meant to be home until Monday afternoon, so I figured staying a little longer when she needed me was alright." Aria breathed out, thinking that was pretty good for on the spot.

Ella's eyes lowered as she stood up and started walking towards Aria, "So, this boy, or man your father doesn't like," she said staring right into her daughter's eyes as Aria's eyes grew a little wider. Aria was certain her mother could read her perfectly. "What's all that about, Aria?"

Aria nodded, understanding her mum knew she was with Ezra tonight, but wasn't at all furious, which had Aria greatly surprised.

"Ezra, unbeknown to him, was Byron's replacement at Hollis. That's purely the source of Byron's anger towards Ezra. He really hasn't done anything to hurt anyone." Arias eyes pleaded with her mother's while she waited for a response.

Ella nodded once then slowly asked her daughter, "How old is Ezra, Aria?"

"Twenty-three" Aria answered without hesitation. "This is his first teaching job," Aria shared.

"Well, your father is beyond furious about this situation; but who cares?" Ella responded.

Aria's eyes shot wide in surprise as a smile grew on her face as Ella continued, "I trust you, Aria. I believe everything you just told me was the truth; I know when you're lying to me, and you weren't just then," Ella said as Aria smiled gratefully.

"You're to keep this from Byron. I believe he'll do unmentionable things if he finds out you two are still carrying on; but baby girl, I'm fine with it." Ella concluded as Aria threw herself onto her mother in a hug.

"Aria, honey, I have one condition though," Ella said as Aria held her breath; "I'd like to meet him soon. I trust your judgement Aria at 17, but I think as your mother I should just make sure your instincts are right, as he is quite a few years older than you."

"Of course, mum. I understand completely. Saturday, what if he came over for dinner? I'll have to check if he's free of course," Aria said.

"Of course, Aria, That sounds great. Now, bed! School tomorrow, well, today."

"I know, I know. And mum?" Aria said as she kissed her mum's cheek, "I love you so much. You deserve so much better than what Byron did to you."

"Thanks baby, sleep well," she said to Aria as she went to her room.

"You too, Ella, goodnight" she replied happily, with her world now free and perfect.

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