Dirty Jobs

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Y/n pov
*distant sounds of sirens*

*Huff* *Huff*

"Damn, I can't believe this one is is a bust too. What am I suppose to tell him?" You spoke to yourself frustrated. Taking a cigarette out and lighting it up with a lighter which you had in your pant pocket. After taking a huff from the cigarette you then started to walk away from the scene into the alley.


Korea has had a lot more crime lately with gang affiliation and the mafias. Every since the death of President Kim Dae-Jung everything went down into a heap show. More and more criminals got bold since there wasn't a strong leader anymore. No one would stand up to take the role causing more work for Ma Tae-Woong, the Head of the Police Department, to take up all the work to deal with all the hooligans. As for those in the National Embassy, they had to deal with all the trouble with other countries. Which leaves no one to stand up and lead. Leading the Fallen mafia was the most feared man in Korea, Chung Min-Su.

Y/n pov

As you got back to the Headquarters of The Fallen (your Mafia's name) you decided to talk to the Boss immediately not caring for the system of waiting. "Ah, please wait Y/N, Minsu-shi is busy right now please stop" one of the two guards pleaded.
"Please let us do our job" the other said closing his eyes for the worst.

"You dare get in my way?" You faced him and interlocked glances. Your aura was enough to strike fear into the men.

"N-n-no sir!" The guards said in unison and moved.

As you opened the door you shouted "Minsu!!! It was a complete disaster. It was another bust!"

The main room was huge and it's main coloring was red and gold

"Hm?" A low and deep voice came from the center of the room
"Is he one of your men? Please you need to control them better Minsu." A guest that was talking to Minsu early suggested.

"Our deal us made, now get so I can deal with this one." Minsu commanded the guest. Without a second thought he stood up and left.

"Who is he?" You asked out of curiosity.
"Nothing boy. Now... how dare you be so rude to interrupt my- MEETING!!" Minsu yelled as he swung at you.

You manage to catch his motive and dodge the attack then tried to counter, but Minsu was just to strong. Minsu manage to grab hold of your leg and threw you across the room. Luckily you manage to land on your feet and got back into your fighting stance.

"You've gotten a lot better." Minsu said.
"I better after all those years of you beating me up during all those training sessions." You replied with confidence.

"Don't let confidence get mixed up with cockiness." Minsu added.
"Yeah yeah, I know. But why do you keep sending me on these useless operations anyways?" You asked.

"You need to build your presence. Your the strongest in this mafia besides me, but you bring no fear to your foes."
"B-but" you were interrupted
"Pang Nam-Gi, my right hand, and I both agreed that this would make you inti a fearsome foe to the enemy. And that is what you will do." Minsu said with a stern voice.

His presence was enough to make a man's knees give out. But you were used to his presence. He was still too strong for you to rebel face-to-face, so you just complied and left.

"You think he will cause more trouble?" Namgi came out of the corner behind the red curtains.
"He won't, but he will face some hard times along his training." Minsu replied as he started to walk away.

You quickly walk out of the Headquarters and through the alleys into the main street. As mad as you were, Minsu was right. Had you have the presence to strike fear into our foes, most of the operations would have been a success. Most of your fights wouldn't be so tough.

It was about November so everyone was around getting ready to go home to visit their families or they were out with their families so the streets and stores were all crowded. You decided to go into a coffee shop and sat there after you had placed an order. The night was beautiful, and the cold air that hinted your face when you were outside brought you life. Letting out a big sigh you say back and the waiter came with your order. Just before you drank the cup of coffee, a girl walked in. Her slick black hair and her beauty brought attention to your eyes.

You tried to not pay much attention to her cause you were still mad at Minsu.
"And what is the name for that?" The cashier asked
"Irene" the girl replied

You couldn't help but to listen to her conversation. Just then your phone rang.

Italics - you Bold - Minsu


"Y/n I have a job for you, I have info on the Head Chief's daughter. Her name is to be Irene, I sent you a picture of her."

You looked at the picture and to your surprised it was the same person in the shop.

"What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to get close to her and get all the info you can out if her. If the information isn't enough, then you will have to hack into his computer and download all his work, and files, into a harddrive and bring it back. Can I trust you to do this?"

"Of course, I'll get back to you when I get it."

"I don't expect you to get it in one day, so take your time and gain her trust first."


"Not another word! Now, I wish you the best of luck Y/n"

End of call

"Damn it all, why me?" You whispered to yourself as you looked over in the direction of Irene.

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