Chapter 3

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"It all started 2000 years ago, pretty much to the day, when a Toobit, the great scientist Intelligenius, invented the first portal. It was quite primitive, only capable of transporting two grams to another location on the same planet, but it was a start.

To produce and maintain these portals, he founded a company, Dimensions Ltd. Within fifty years, the whole galaxy surrounding Toobitia was using portals for next to everything: transport, trading, research, crime.

It was in order to combat the opportunities offered to criminals by portal technology that Dimensions Ltd merged with the Galactic Police Headquarters and the Galactic Government to create Dimensional Headquarters.

To make sure every decision was made for the good of the people, representatives were elected from each sentient species, and we took it upon ourselves to carefully find the best representative from each primitive species. No offence, of course, but your species has been included in this designation as you have not yet reached the level of scientific maturity necessary to understand portal technology.

It must be understood that we cannot reveal ourselves publicly to such species.

The republic grew to eventually encompass the entire universe, minus the Dark Realm and a few minor rebellions. Even the planets not aware of our existence, such as Earth, were and are protected from 'alien invasions' and large meteorite impacts. In fact, a vote has recently been made to start a scheme sucking the greenhouse gases from your neglected and exploited atmosphere, so you don't end up like that other planet in your Solar System... Venus, I think its called?

The headquarters of DHQ were eventually moved from the Toobitia government complex to this new building. Actually, this could be considered a synthetic planet, due to it's size and the fact that it is actually just floating about in space.

It is a lot more comfortable not having to squeeze into two dimensions every time one is called to vote, I can tell you!

This is located in a sort of in-between space. The sky you can see above us here is, in fact, not comprised of three galaxies as you doubtlessly assumed as you arrived. They are in fact three huge, permanent portals to the three realms of the universe - The Toobitian Homelands, from whence you came, which is the birthplace of DHQ; The Sdnalemoh, also known as Parallelia, which is basically a dimension parallel to the Toobitian Homelands; and the Dark Realm.

You are both the newest representatives for your respective species: Puffluffles and Humankind.

After you have been instructed in many important subjects, you will graduate and be allowed to vote on many important matters regarding and on behalf of your species.

[DRAFT] Dimensions I: RecruitWhere stories live. Discover now