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The Waverider seemed to decelerate to a halt in a small field in St. Roch, 1975, but it didn't stop Madilyn from having a small headache that lasted a few seconds. She groaned at Ray's ecstatic jump from the uncomfortable, metallic chair; seeing as the swift movement of his body made her head spin like she just got off a rollercoaster that possesses multiple inversions. Not only did Ray's enthusiasm give her a headache but the waft of Mick's vomit made her cover her nose and mouth in repulsion. She turned away from the man to avoid looking at the remains of what the criminal ate before the trip that was now sprawled across the metal ground below him. She turned her head to see the amusement dancing in her best friend's sky blue eyes while the corners of her mouth slid upwards at Madilyn's reaction. The assassin couldn't roll her eyes at the other, feeling as if her headache will worsen if she does. However, she playfully glared at the blonde and simply told her to shut up.

Everyone was then interrupted by Rip's already too late warning, "oh, I should have mentioned it before. Nausea is one of the side effects of time travel, along with --" Yet, the man was also interrupted by Ray suddenly plummeting to the floor with a yelp of surprise. "Vertigo," the brit finished. Stein interjected with a comment of his own towards no one in particular, "I can't see," blinking repeatedly to see if his vision would come back. Rip then pointed out Stein's problem, "and temporary blindness." Madilyn's headache vanished into thin air making the goddess silently sigh in relief. The brit walked over to the old man while everyone else adjusted to the change, "oh, it should only last a minute. After all, that was a mere jaunt."

Madilyn, now feeling better, rolled her eyes knowing to him this was a 'mere jaunt', but to them it was 41 years in reverse. "The further back in time you go, the worse the side effects," the time traveler explained to them all. Madilyn ignored the conversation between Stein and Rip and stood up to assist the other billionaire from falling on his face again. Ray immediately accepted the help from the woman, grasping onto the console and Madilyn's arm. He ended up leaning on the console while quietly thanking the assassin with a smile of gratitude. She returned the kind gesture with a small smile of her own, not really into showing too much emotion towards others.

She suddenly heard the youngest of them talking to the professor, "I can't believe you kidnapped me." He looked very angry towards the professor and Madilyn couldn't blame the kid. He technically did get abducted against his will but if it was Madilyn in his place, it would have been a whole lot worse for the professor. Jax then arose from the seat focusing on the captain of the spacecraft who's eyes were sharply on the screen of the center console, "hey, I want to go home." Madilyn's emerald eyes held a sympathetic gaze towards the teenager's almost unnoticable crack in his voice.

"Good news then, 2016 will be around in, uh, 41 years," the man said insensitively without even a glance towards the scared boy. Madilyn shook her head at his somewhat callous comment and sat back down in the chair between Sara and Snart. A few moments later, Rip looked towards the four of them, "now, you four, feel free to make yourselves comfortable back here on the ship, while the rest of you are coming with me to find Professor Boardman." Rip seemed to end on that note by trying to quickly escape before the four could catch on. However, they were way smarter than he hoped.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You're benching us?" Mick asked Rip before he could escape the argument about to occur. Madilyn simply tilted her head at the man being interrogated making him squirm under her penetrating glare. Sara abruptly stood up, "I thought we were a team," she accused the man a tad bit mad at being excluded. Rip stood on the other side of Ray, just in case the blonde wanted to hurt him, "this mission doesn't require your particular skill set. Yet." Snart just smirked at Rip, "meaning you don't need anyone killed, maimed, robbed, or mummified." Snart explained what Rip was trying to tell them, aiming his smirk at the goddess sitting next to him towards the end of his sentence; his action resulting in a small growl of warning from the woman.

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