The already booming speakers in the side room must have been turned down quite a bit because it didn't prepare him for the sheer volume that the man produced. Other than destroying them with force, Nico wondered how many microphones the presenter had blown out just from the noise.

"Of course you have," he said at Nico's silence, "get yourself comfortable here and let's get prepped."

He gestured to the chair next to Nico and himself sat back down in his own swivel chair. He swung it back, once again nearly obliterating his hanging microphone and read over something on the nearby monitor as Nico gingerly lowered himself. From the corner of his eye, he could spot the reflection of Taketora's monitor on her glasses and Kaito's discrete thumbs up through the studio glass.

"There are a few topics I'd like to talk with you about today." Mic began. He looked to Nico who gave him a brief nod back in acknowledgment. "Your hero work mainly, of course. There's also a new historically set video game recently released based on you, which I'd like to touch on. Then, I guess, we can roll from there."

"Sure." Nico replied simply, too tightly wound up to truly concentrate on the words, and Mic smiled reassuringly.

"There's really nothing to worry about. We're on in just a mo. Put your headphones on and let's get this show on the road!"
With a thumbs up and a silent countdown, Mic began.

"Welcome to all my lovely listeners who are tuning in now on this fine evening! We've got something special lined up tonight. An interview with Mr Di Angelo, more commonly known by his popular nickname, the Quirkless King!"

"Thank you for having me Mike." Nico replied stiffly.

"You're the publicly proclaimed hero with a shocking debut. Mysterious and handsome, you've really captured the people's eye these past few months. What do you have to say about that?"

"It was never my intention to become a hero, even one as popular as you say I am, but I appreciate it all the same."

"You've really built an impressive following. Not every hero takes part but if you signed up to participate, you might get into the top 100 on the rankings." Mic paused and Nico hummed his agreement. "Now, to start on a fun note! A few of the listeners might be aware of the new jrpg game released earlier this month by the indie developer Yatanokagami studio."
"I bring this up 'cause, with your surge in popularity, the main character is named after you. Nick Angel!"

Nico spluttered out a startled laugh.


"Yep, he's also been modeled on your hero move set though of course with a couple of additions like the unlockable quirks of teleportation and monster summoning among others, which, of course, aren't your quirk. The story's historically based, in the era of ancient European warfare and the mythology of the period. What do you think?"

"I don't know what to say." Nico admitted with a short laugh, tension dissipating. "I'm flattered though. Mostly, I'm interested in how much attention went into researching the myths."

"Indeed! The project's head, Kagami, Fukusho announced that historical accuracy was the top goal for the game's development." Then a smirk stretched across Mic's face. "How about your own historical roots? I've heard there's something about your birth records."

"What about them?"

"You were found to have a matching record in the 1930s."

Nico waved it off dismissively,
"A grandparent perhaps."


Nico shrugged and leaned back into his chair with a squeak.
The pause where he had shrugged on the radio was momentary but noticeable. From the corner of his eye, he spotted Taketora repetitively tapped her mouth with one hand and he sat up, mentally face-palming.

The Quirkless King and Co.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें