Chapter 2

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Amy💍❤️: Not a problem babe, whatever you do stay safe. I love you
Jake: I love you more 😘
After he finished typing and sending his reply to his Wife, he quickly got back to work. Jake knew he was close to catching this monster and didn't want to go home and possibly let him get away; Robert Hall, a rapist and murderer who had slipped away from law enforcement time and time again. Jake was determined to end that cycle.

He had arrested multiple people that had connections to Hall, but they refused to give him up.

He and Charles had brought in someone earlier who had been working with Hall for a little over a year. The lack of time the two worked together could be exactly what they needed to track down Hall.

"Alright, here we go" Jake said quietly to himself as he made his way to the interrogation room, hoping that this was the last interrogation he needed to get to Hall.

Jake entered the room prepared to break this man but to his surprise, the man was a wreck to say the least.

"Look.." The man started to speak through his light sobs "... I don't know where he is, okay? I do know where his lady stays at; Stephanie."

"It's something" Jake stated through a small smile. He was getting close. " Address, now." He said as he slid a notepad to the perp and the man started writing.

Jake was at the door of the address and could see the door was slightly ajar. "Stephanie?... NYPD I'm coming in.." There was no response. Jake grabbed his gun and slowly opened the door. He walked in and slowly made his way through the hallway when he heard the door slam behind causing him to turn on his heel only to be met with a gun in his face. "Hall" Jake said as he dropped his weapon and put his hands up. "This should be fun..." said Hall and immediately hit Jake across the face with his gun with such force that it knocked him out cold.

Jake was slowly regaining consciousness when he heard Hall's voice " Welcome back detective" Jake caught a glimpse of a digital clock in a far corner that read "1:48 am". He was quickly met with an awful headache and when he tried to move he came to the realization that his limbs were duct taped to a metal chair that seemed bolted to the ground. "Where am I?" Jake moaned. "In my warehouse of course, why would I murder you anywhere else, this is where I do all of them" Hall said through a sly smile as he emerged from the shadows.

"Awesome" Jake murmured "A cool villain"
Jake was attempting to aggravate Hall, in order to buy himself some time.

"Awesome?! Dude I'm going to kill you."
"Yeah sure, do you have orange soda? I'm a little parched" Jake replied.
"Orange Soda? Are you-"
"And while your at it maybe Die Hard on blu-ray."
"SHUT UP!" Hall screamed with an accompanying punch to the face.

Hall then walked to a nearby table and returned carrying a bag.

"So you do have orange soda! Noice" Jake said with blood running down his lip.
He was then punched in the gut with brass knuckles that Hall retrieved from the bag.
"Never mind" Jake said breathlessly.

"Emergency Contact?" Hall asked. Jake stayed silent. Hall then flipped open a pocket knife and put it to Jake's thigh. "I won't ask again" Jake kept quiet until he felt the cold steel drive into his leg which caused him so scream in pain. "Emergency. Contact." Hall repeated as he twisted the knife in Jake's wound. This forced a whimper of agony out of Jake.
"Fine..." Jake said through staggered breaths "Amy Santiago - Peralta"
He gave him the number as Hall ripped the knife out of his wound causing him to yell. "Good boy" said Hall as he slapped him in the face twice. Hall then slipped his brass knuckles on and punched Jake in the face. Jake spit out blood and lifted his head up. "Your a tough one aren't you?" Hall said before punching him once more this time knocking him out.

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