Tadashi smiled, "So looks like this plan is coming all together."

"Okay, let's get this over with." I sigh, placing my hands in the hoodie pocket.


My team hid behind a boulder, several feet away. I slowly made my way to the wall opposite of the gate. Taking a deep breath, I felt the chakra flowing down to the soles of my shoes. This was one of the most annoying skills I've learned. Taught by Tadashi-sensei. I almost lost my mind when he said we were gonna learn to walk on water soon too.

As soon as I was at the top of the wall, I sit in a crouch position watching the ninja interact down below.

"What do you think, Tori?" I ask the bird. He peeks his wing out slightly, gesturing towards one of the two houses that were there. It was the closests to me, almost touching the wall.

I jumped onto the roof without much thought, sliding down the slope of it and landing on a window ledge. I open the window, trying to not make too much noise.

Before stepping in I try to make sure there weren't any chakras near. Tori was also satisfied by our surroundings.

So I slip my foot in and before my boot can touch the ground, arms grab around me. Tori squawks as he falls of my shoulder and perches onto a bookshelf.

"Let go!" I growl, kicking my feet, trying to hit my capturerer's stomach. He was strong but my movement was causing him to lose balance.

He push me towards the closed door, but I kick back up onto it. Easily he regains control.

"So, you're one of the Sand ninja sent to arrest me." He muses. It was clear that he was really good at hiding his chakra completely.

"Kazou, is it?" I raise a brow, he laughed confirming my accusation. "You really think I'd blindly step into this room without a single plan?"

He slams me against the wall, a sort of dagger held against me neck. I took it a breath of hair, coughing at the impact on my back.

"I hear your comrades outside getting pummeled." I state and the grip on my shirt tightened. I look around the room, a book case, a bed, doorknob, a handle to his window. All stable places.

"Heh, I couldn't care less about them. They're idiots for letting a bunch of kids take them." He  growls and I wasn't a bit surprise. Guys like him couldn't care less for the people he fights alongside.

I clutch my hand around his wrist, my nails digging into his skin. He winces and glares deep into my eyes, "You remind me of my daughter when she was alive."

"The hell does that have to do with anything?" His blood drips onto the floor as he lowers the dagger from my neck. I knew the moment I showed him sympathy, the whole plan would be ruined which will make it harder for my team.

"It means, I'll spare you, kid." He lowers the dagger and backs away from me, dropping me in a crouch position. He looks to the window. As he was about to reach for the handle I pull my hand back, keeping it shut. He was reaching for the door and that to was closed shut.

Kazou's eyes averts to me, wires wrapped around my hands and fingers. Not exactly chakra strings, but I learned something from Kankuro.

"I tried to spare you, kid." He says, but before h can movie I pull my arms back more. Wires from the legs of the bed and the book case tighten up. Now all the wires had him trap, piercing his skin. Blood slowly flowed from his skin. "H-How?"

"I told you, I'm not stupid enough to walk in without a plan." I answer, "You see, your comrades aren't as strong as you. My team could easily take them out. You on the other hand, the plan was keep you inside. Once we let you out, you're free to use your long-distance fighting."

"So you hook a wire onto the window once you came in, another at the door but I don't understand where the other came from..." Tori squawks at his explanation and his eyes widen, "That stupid bird..."

While Kazou was distracted, Tori grabbed onto the other wires and attached them where I needed them to be.

"See, Kazou." I began, "I know you knew we were coming. Maybe if you'd plan it out with your incompetent teammates you would've had a chance. But they're just pawns, eh? To keep us busy..."

"You wanna know what's in the other house?" He asks. I look at him my eyes keen as knives, a twisted look on his face forming. "There's a few men about to make it rain."

"Shit." I quickly tug the strings, making him fall to the ground, no longer mobile as blood seeps. Quickly, I tie him up and he yells as I exit the house, Tori in toll.

When I get outside Yoshi's body is being throw at me. I instinctively grab his wrist, spinning and throwing him back to his opponent. The boy's feet intercept with his opponents neck, knocking him out.

I see Tadashi and Sora finish off their opponent's. Tori flies over to his partner. Then out of the corner of my eye in the other house I see a few men with bow and arrows in hand. Attached to the arrow I see paper bombs.

Quickly, I weave a set of handsigns, "Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!" A gust of wind expels from my mouth, causing the arrows to fall. Also learned wind jutsu from Temari...
But I notice one paper bomb didn't blow out, attached to a piece of the house. A piece that was right above Yoshi.

He hadn't notice, catching his breath while taking on another enemy. Both Sora and I ran for him. Because I was closer, I got there first. The Ninja threw a barrage of shuriken and we both got down on the ground, me on top of him.

As the paper bomb exploded, pieces of cement crumbled and fell around us. Sora appears next to us, hand in the air a huge piece of rock begins to fall on us. His hand was filled with chakra but I was unsure if that was enough

Quicker than lightning, Tadashi takes out the ninja and appear in the center of all of us, his hand in a fist like Sora's. The chunk of cement breaks into little pieces and dust as it crashes into his hand.

"Woah, that was close." Tadashi whipes his forehead, "Atleast it took out the test of these goons."

I look around to see some arrows that I misguided landed on some of our opponents. The ones who were in the house fell along with the cement, kost of them now stuck under all the rubble.

"Now, where's the ring leader?" He looks to me.

"Um, in my wire trap..." I answer, still awestruck by how easily he destroyed the cement. "T-Thanks.."

"Yeah, we almost died just there." Yoshi agrees.

Sora nods, "... You did is so effortlessly too."

Tadashi chuckles at or faces, "Well, I don't exactly want to see the students I care for die. I'm proud of you all for not only holding your own but looking for one another without hesitating. All of you have learned what it is to be a team."

Hey guys long time no see. So I know it's been forever but I think I'm finally getting back on track. I've been struggling to find a passion to do most things but it's slowly coming back to me.
So here's a chapter before I kick off to something more eventful.

Anyways as a side note, I decided to start writing this story in present tense. Hopefully you all still interested in this story but, thanks for the great patience. Can't believe I'm actually updating!

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