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I am semi-glad about this because I did kind of feel bad for doing Jalbert stuff with them together,  I mean Jake and Ally are still dating but

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I am semi-glad about this because I did kind of feel bad for doing Jalbert stuff with them together,  I mean Jake and Ally are still dating but...
Yeah,  anyways.. Albert and Lana are no longer together now. Glad they're still friends though. :)
People can no longer make Jalbert fanfics about Lana cheating on him and being a bitch !!

Also, I HIGHLY doubt that this has ANYTHING to do with him loving Jake or anything. They have said before that they both ONLY see each other as friends and that's,  that.
And if I am honest here,  I don't really see Albert an Jake being a real couple.
I first got into Jalbert because of all the jokes and then the fanfics because they were/are cute and fluffy.
It does,  weirdly,  give me butterflies when I hear them make a Jalbert joke though.

Also,  I still have suspect that Albert may be gay. He has been making more and more boyfriend jokes in his videos.

Anyway. Hope y'all had a good New Years,  2019 !!
Also have a good rest of your day. :)

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