Chapter 9

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“ Well it’s, turn and face the stars and stripes, it’s fightin’ back them butterflies. It’s call it in the air alright yes sir we want the ball.”
Kenny Chesney Boys of fall song Rang out of Tim’s phone.

Who jolted awake and reached his hand out for it as Exy groaned next to him.


“Tim! I’m going to stay over at Mindy’s today, just calling to let you know.” Ryan said on the other side of the phone.

“Ryan?” Tim asked rubbing his eyes open.

“Were you still sleeping?” Ryan asked.

“Maybe.” Tim groaned into the phone.

“Well get your ass up, it’s 8:10am. I gotta go clock out. See you tomorrow.”

“Yeah, ok. Tell Mindy I said hello.” Tim said hanging up not waiting to listen to what Ryan had to say. He looked down at Exy who still hadn’t opened her eyes. He moved a strand of hair from her face and she opened one eye.

“Hello.” Tim said

“What?” Exy said a little grumpy.

“So, I don’t know if I should tell you this but we are so late to first period.” Tim said.

“What?!” Exy sat up hitting Tim on accident.

“Owe.” He said rubbing his side.

“Sorry, what time is it?”


“Oh my god, by the time I get ready it’s going to be second period already. Why didn’t my phone's alarm go off?” She says grabbing her phone.

“Oh it’s dead.”She added.

“That could be the reason.” Tim said smiling at her.

She grabbed her hair and put it into a pony tail as she got out of bed.

“Where are you going?” Tim asked sitting with his legs stretched out.

“To get ready.” She said looking back at him.

“Do we really have to go?”

“Are you suggesting we skip school Tim Riggins?” She asks putting her hand on her hip.

“Yes, that is exactly what I’m suggesting.” He says

“But won’t we like get in trouble? I’ve never done it before.”

“I’m an expert at forging fake parent’s notes, well for me my brother, so we have that on our side.”Tim says.

“More like your flirting skills are amazing and Clara from attendance likes you.” she says smiling.

He chuckles. “Yeah, I think that true.” Tim says.

“So if we stay, what will we do?” Exy asks walking to the bathroom

“You’re still gonna get ready?”

“Well I need to brush my teeth and well take care of some business.” She says blushing.

“Oh yeah sorry, Umm we can do whatever you want.”

“Mmm, whatever?” She says giving him a seducing look before closing the bathroom door. When she comes out Tim isn’t in the room. So she grabs the shorts next to her backpack and starts putting them on when he comes back in.

“Oh sorry, I just… I used the guest bathroom.” He says trying not to look at her.

“It’s okay.”she smiles at a red faced Tim.

“So what do you wanna do your highness? We have all day; your wish is my command.” Tim says bowing.

“Umm, what about some breakfast first? I can make something.”  She says.

“No, no. I will take you out somewhere.”


“Yeah, so I guess you would wanna get like school ready now?” Tim ask’s

“Well maybe a quick shower.”

“Me and you? As in together?” Tim asks

“Ha Ha. Funny 33. I was thinking more of a just me, myself, and I kinda thing.”

“I can work with that.” Tim said cupping her chin and pulling her in for a kiss.

They both get ready, Exy changes into the now washed clothes she had worn yesterday. They go to Tim’s favorite dinner and he has Exy laughing and smiling through the whole breakfast. After breakfast, Exy tell’s Tim to surprise her when he asked where to next? Next thing she knows Tim is pulling into the Zoo. She reaches for his hand as he parks the car.

“Surprised?” he asks smiling down at her.

“With you, always.” She says as she pulls his face in for a kiss.

They spend the next 2 hours walking around the zoo and taking pictures on the way out he makes Exy wait on a bench as he disappears for a couple minutes. When he reappears he's carrying a huge stuff giraffe  from the gift shop. Exy stands and smiles at him.

“I don’t know what your favorite animal is but I felt that you would really like this one.”

“You were right. Thank You Tim, you didn’t have to.”

“Maybe that’s true, but I wanted to.”

They exit the zoo hand in hand with Tim caring the huge Giraffe.

It was already 3pm and school was over, Exy had officially skipped her first day of school and being with Tim she didn’t  think twice of her decision.

“That was fun, thank you for this lovely day.” Exy says as Tim backs out of the parking spot.

“But we aren’t done yet.” He says winking at her and she stares at him in awe.

How could there possibly be more? He really was surprising her. She was seeing a different part of Tim today that he hadn’t shown her before. Where had he been hidding this Tim? She didn't know, but what she did know was she liked it, a lot.

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