Chapter 1 | The Corkboard

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Eli ran home, camera in one hand and the pictures in the other, darting around fallen chunks of rubble. His mind was buzzing with a million questions, like; why are they here? and what do they want?

Eli knew that these questions would be hard to answer, so he needed someone who knew their secrets.

Steve, the name randomly popped into his head. He had said some very suspicious things earlier. And how he had reacted to when Eli told him about the spaceship he had seen.

He knows something, Eli determined.

Eli clambered over a large chunk of concrete and went up to his house. It was fairly intact, though most of the landscaping had been torn away. He went into the house and called out a greeting to his parents before heading up to his room.

As he lifted the poster that hid his "conspiracy board", he relived the conversation they had had only about an hour ago.

Steve backed up into Eli as they were both trying to hide behind a car.

"AAH!" They both yelped, whipping around.

Eli took his chance to speak. "Steve, listen, I saw something weird!"

Steve pulled Eli down into a crouch beside him as a bunch of "creepers" marched by.

"Something weird? You think Eli? Ddoy! There's evil creepers everywhere and a crazy death beam shooting into the sky! Everything's weird!" Steve exclaimed.

"No, not just that! I saw a spaceship and Aja and Krel's house is gone! I knew it. They're aliens, Steve!" Eli said excitedly.

Steve frowned. "Don't call them 'aliens'! It's mean!" Steve poked his head up from the roof of the car to take a quick glance around before running towards the theater entrance.

As he ran Steve spoke. "This isn't he season finale of Earth Invaders, Pepperjack. We're at war, hold it together man."

Eli frowned slightly as Steve glanced over his shoulder to keep a lookout.

"But Steve—" He began but was interrupted by one of the creepers' roars.

"This didn't happen." Steve said, turning to him.



"Fine," Eli said, drawing his phone as Steve sighed and looked away.

"The secret is safe." Steve murmured as he turned around.

"Not fine." He said as Eli sprinted off.

"It's not fine, come back!"

Eli put he pictures up on his corkboard under the aliens section.

"What else does Steve know?"

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